Tuesday 13 September 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Running, Sports
Local residents keen to join the Round Raro Road Race happening on Saturday, September 24 along with more than 100 international runners, walkers and supporters are encouraged to get registered before entries close on Monday, September 19. SUPPLIED/22091214
For all – it has been two years in the planning, training and waiting to be part of this iconic annual event that continued to run in 2020 and 2022 thanks entirely to local community support.
This includes the continued sponsorship support from event major sponsor Bank South Pacific (BSP) who recognise the benefits for community development through its sponsorship of the annual race.
The race is a key fundraiser for Athletics Cook Islands with funds raised going towards junior athletics development – namely in the form of providing pathways for local talent to pit their talent against their Kiwi peers at the annual New Zealand secondary school’s athletics competition.
This development path has seen many aspiring athletes become national representatives on both the regional and international stages.
The event is also key to the destination development and rebuilding of tourism in the Cook Islands where pre-pandemic races saw upwards of 300 international visitors join the race.
Round Raro race managers at Turama Pacific Travel groups event department Destination Management Cook Islands (DMCK) are thrilled to see the eager return of Kiwi runners and walkers plus a number of returning regulars from America and Europe while recognising that it will take a few years to rebuild the numbers back to pre-pandemic proportions.
With visiting runners and walkers set to start arriving this week – event organisers are putting out the call to local residents keen to lace up and join the run to contact the team and register your interest before entries close on Monday, September 19.
This is a great team bonding, fitness starting or testing opportunity before the Cook Islands Games next month!
This year’s round Raro race once again includes the 31km round Rarotonga Road run and walk, 31k-by-3 round Raro relay for teams of three people and the short and sharp 10km run and walk.
Race central will be the National Auditorium Domes in Tupapa this year which is the place to catch all the finish line thrills.
The 31km run and walk starts at 5.30am – from the starting line in front of the Bamboo Jacks Restaurant.
Check in for the race will open from 4.30am for all participants – before all racers are escorted at 5.15am from the Domes to the start line for the race start at 5.30am.
This year’s 10km race start will be from opposite the Moana Sands Lagoon Resort in Tikioki starting at 7.30am.
Local companies, sports teams or individual wanting to join this year’s Round Raro Road Race event is encouraged to contact event manager Matariki Wilson at Destination Management Cook Islands (DMCK) via email matariki.wilson@dmck.co.ck to receive a registration form or further information and register before entries close on September 19.
The week of running also continues after the main round Raro road Race with the Hash Birthday run on Monday 26th September, the infamous Nutters Cross Island Run on Tuesday 27th September and the fun and popular Round the Rock Relay on Wednesday 28th September.
– Ready, Set, Go!