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PET TALK: ‘There is a far better way, the animals could have been desexed’

Wednesday 12 October 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Opinion, Pet Talk


PET TALK: ‘There is a far better way, the animals could have been desexed’
Vets Harriett Garvey and Andrew Nicholson operate on dogs at the desexing clinic in Ngatangiia in September. PHOTO: AL WILLIAMS/22092815

They weren’t sure where the noise was coming from, or what it was. High pitched and loud, yes, but not something they could place. It wasn’t a mechanical noise, something alive was definitely responsible. Dr Michael Baer of Te Are Manu Veterinary Clinic reports.

But the source was hard to find, seeming to come from under a big pile of sticks and leaves. Investigating the pile wasn’t easy, bougainvillea thorns and palm fronds, ginger and banana leaves in a big, tangled mess. But then a rice sack, and the source was found. A bag full of puppies, newborn, eyes still closed. They must have been dumped. Inside a rice sack is not a place puppies are born.

Kittens aren’t born wrapped in pawpaw leaves either. But that is where a litter of five newborns was found. And another litter of puppies was left at the Social Centre in Nikao. A different litter, this time six-week-old puppies, was thrown over the fence into the SPCA shelter. All of this in the last 5 or six weeks.

It is clear these newborns were not wanted. The people who own the mothers of each of these litters have taken steps to rid themselves of these puppies and kittens. It is so sad. But there is a far better way, the animals could have been desexed.

Desexing prevents unwanted births. That is what it does. No pups or kittens, no need for a midnight run to the SPCA shelter. No need to fill a rice sack with wriggling, blind newborns. No need to do a drive-by dumping in Nikao. But there are a lot of other benefits. No life-threatening infections, no mammary or testicular cancer, fewer car accidents and less fights. Dogs staying at home, cats not out on the prowl. Less antisocial behaviour, like aggression and spraying. Happier and healthier dogs and cats. And happier people.

The Puna desexing clinics run over the last year have desexed over 350 dogs. Since we have just concluded the second round of the Puna desexing clinics for dogs. To celebrate we are having a cat desexing clinic at Paws ‘N’ Claws in Matavera on Thursday October 13.  Please come along! Bring your cat, even better bring your cats. And tell your neighbours, your family and your friends to bring their cats too.

But these clinics are not the only way to get your animals desexed. We desex cats and dogs every day at the clinic. It is as easy as making a phone call, or popping in to see us. We will do everything we can to fit your dog or cat in as soon as we can. There and then if we can. If you struggle with transport, there are options. And we want to help. We much prefer desexing than having to help pups and kittens that are dehydrated and starving after being dumped.