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Where’s the stair climber machine?

Monday 27 February 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Where’s the stair climber machine?

Dear Editor, With all the current excitement about a new lift (elevator) being installed at the Court House/Justice complex, finally addressing the long existing issue of how to get the pakari, elderly and infirm, as well as mothers and babies, up those stairs and into the Court/land/BDM sections, one is forced to ask what ever happened to that Stair Climber machine, which the then Minister in charge trialled and demonstrated live on CITV, and no doubt had photos in the CINews back in the day? Does anyone else recall that event, which was touted as being the beginning of a new access era in a Justice building already fraught with issues.

The problem was that the innovation could only be used in fine weather, as it had no proper umbrella covering, so was impossible to use during rainy periods. It certainly did not get much use but one has to wonder as to what happened to that machine? Was it dismantled and stored somewhere – yes, waiting for a sunny day? Just as interesting would be to find out who funded this structure at the time? Was it just another example of OPM – Other People’s Money – which is so common nowadays. It has to be of concern to funding agencies/development partners as to how to measure the success or otherwise of their generous contributions. (The 24 giant red tractors which were at Agriculture some years ago, funded by China, would be another example. Is any single one still operating?)

(Name and address supplied)

Name the nightclub

In the most recent Court report we see a familiar statement made in Court by a defendant up on DUI (drink driving) charges.

The example last week was that the defendant was “almost 4 times over the limit”. And told the Court that he had been drinking “at a nightclub”. The odd thing is, this writer does not recall any such nightclub ever being named.

Now my adult children and nieces and nephews don’t always heed my advice, but it would be comforting if I could indicate to them those drinking places that do not serve obviously intoxicated patrons.

Some questions for those responsible. Is it illegal to serve an intoxicated person? If yes, when was the last time a licensee lost that license? Because there is a lot of staggering drunks coming out the door of nightclubs.

The public deserves in this writer’s view, to understand the law and to understand, if it is not being enforced, the reasons why. A reply from Trevor Pitt for the Police and or the Liquor Licensing Authority that it’s being looked at is not good enough. Perhaps if our leaders gave as much time to social problems as they give to raising their paycheques life might just improve.

(Name and address supplied)

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