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Letter: Stats on vaccinated catching Covid

Saturday 7 January 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: Stats on vaccinated catching Covid

Dear Editor, So reinfection rates for Covid-19 are on the rise, mask wearing being encouraged (hopefully not being made compulsory in public places and just for those who do feel safer wearing one).

Would be interesting to know the statistics on vaccination status of those testing positive, i.e. unvaccinated, two doses, boosted, double boosted.  As wasn’t it supposed to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated, with the unvaccinated driving up numbers, taking up health resources, and putting other people’s lives at risk through their ‘selfish actions’.  

Why all of a sudden does vaccination status not matter, why are we not seeing statistics of infections and vaccination status. To be honest, people seem to be sicker than ever. I’m hearing of referrals to New Zealand, symptoms not able to be diagnosed. We know the NZ health system is itself overwhelmed. 

Recent articles in overseas media have spoken about vaccines fueling new Covid variants, and those who have received more doses of the mRNA vaccine at higher risk of getting sick. 

A study of 50,000 Cleveland Clinic healthcare workers found that those who received three more doses were 3.4x as likely to get infected as the unvaccinated, while those who received two were only 2.6x as likely. 

The new strain XBB has surged in Singapore which has among the highest vaccination and booster rates in the world, and currently accounts for over 40 per cent of Covid infections in the US.

Top Australian doctor, former head of the Australian Medical Association, Dr Kerryn Phelps was in the news recently, speaking about the serious vaccine injuries suffered by herself and her wife, a year and a half later her wife still suffering fatigue, neurological symptoms, nerve pains, musculoskeletal inflammation. Dr Phelps is the most prominent public health official to speak up about Covid vaccine injuries, underreporting of vaccine injuries, and censorship of doctors. She speaks of vaccine injured individuals who suffer similar symptoms to long Covid, but whom have not had Covid, showing there is some shared pathophysiology between vaccine injury and long Covid, possibly due to the effects of the spike protein.

She noted some countries had gathered significant databases of adverse events, ranging from allergy to anaphylaxis to cardiovascular, neurological, and auto-immune reactions. “But until there was acknowledgement and recognition of post vaccination syndrome or vaccine injury there can be no progress in developing protocols for diagnosis and treatment and it is difficult to be included in research projects or treatment programs.”

Top UK cardiologist Dr Aseen Maholtra is another top health professional who has been in the media speaking up about Covid vaccine harms and calling for a halt to the rollout.

This is a subject that has been taboo for too long, and when you have top health professionals who were formerly pro Covid vaccine, speaking up, its time to take heed. 

Serena Hunter, Muri.


Bruce Hamblyn on 12/01/2023

Thank you Serena Hunter for your courage to speak up about what most people are afraid to hear or even contemplate that the injection was not as safe and effective as governments around the world lead us to believe. Also thank you Cook Islands News for publishing Serena Hunter’s informative researched letter. Bruce & Sue Hamblyn Katikati New Zealand

Big Taco on 08/01/2023

Amen Serena Hunter! Truth does not require censorship. Lies however, depend completely on the censorship of truth.