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Letters: What is going on?

Saturday 1 July 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letters: What is going on?

Kia Orana, There has not been a single public TV /radio/or Cook Islands News ad announcement about the work apparently taking place on the bridge / stream just adjacent to the Rutaki side of the Vaimaanga/Sheraton Hotel site.

The road cones have been in place for at least a week, with traffic control staff directing traffic as necessary. These stations have been in place with what appears to be full time staff 24 hours a day, keeping traffic flowing.

However, when is actual work going to begin on the bridge? And why have full time staff been directing traffic on this stretch for about a week, without anything actually happening. Why is the public being disrupted and inconvenienced, and no work being done?

With a job this size, it surely can’t be a matter of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, so what is the problem here?

Steel girders can be seen already on site in the Vaimaanga hotel grounds. So why has no work actually started? And yet the public traffic flow has  being directed by control officers for the past week? Aat what cost?

Which government ministry is in charge of this job? Answers please.

A government spokesperson responds.  “I’m sure I saw some posts from ICI on the Rarotonga Community page last week about this. “They did post a release.

From June 9:  Kia Orana Rarotonga,

Traffic management measures have been installed at the Ngatoe "Sheraton West" Bridge to reduce speed and caution safety for road users.

Weight restrictions across the bridge are still in place. Only normal vehicles (bikes, cars and trucks) and buses are to cross, ensuring the continued functionality of the bridge while we work towards its repair. Heavy duty trucks and machinery will not be permitted to travel through.

Again, we humbly apologise for the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your continued patience and support as we work to make repairs.


The letter writer responds

Ok, thanks for that…I guess you mean on the ICI website...which I would not ever look at. So, what ever happened to public ads on television or the Cook Islands News?  I will keep an eye on things anyway, as absolutely no work has been done on the bridge to date, and a great deal of tax money being spent stupidly, with inconvenience to the public as well.

Details supplied