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LETTERS: Health should be top priority

Monday 12 September 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTERS: Health should be top priority

Dear Editor,

Our health systems in the whole of the Cook Islands should be the main priority that should be addressed and not this beautification of town (Designer’s Cook Islands climate crisis plans win two international awards, Tuesday, September 6, 2022). If the government and future generations want to invest in the Cook Islands, then the priorities are our health systems to be upgraded to the standard like in Australia and New Zealand so our loved ones do not have to go overseas (for treatments). Secondly work on providing a better standard of living wages to stop our people from leaving our paradise. Our islands are beautiful as it is and tourists are enjoying it. My thoughts

Joseph Tererui


Te akaaere e te au Minita o te Kuki Airani manea te manako inara tena tetai au tuanga I roto I te basileia kia akatau Marie e rave I te reira mate ekoko kore tena te au manako puapinga te au are ra pakau maki to te are nio e ua tuanga puapinga teia no te Iti tangata e na mua I te rave I teia I te aka manea I te enua no atu e ka vai pera te enua te aere atu rai te au turoto ki te enua toku manako teia ka inangaro ia te au are maki kia akaou ia te au roi e te vai atura tetai tum manako maata teia kua aere atu au ki te are a maani anga nio kua tutaeauri te noo anga te au martini needs a real upgrade these issues should be looked at meitaki maata toku ia manako te Atua te aroa.

Emma Jessie


Seabed mining

Unfortunately there’s been no referendum asking the Cook Islands people whether they want this to proceed or not. Just greedy politicians and their mates stuffing their pockets as fast as their fat hands can manage. The people should be angry that their resource is being grabbed and sold for the benefit of the few and the probable detriment of the many. May God have mercy on their souls.

Kate Taputunui O Iva


I believe if we, our people of the Cook Islands, agree to start the mining in our own paradise ocean, we will be able to upgrade our paradise – buy our own machines, fix our roads, get Cook Islands 747 plane to fly overseas and passenger boats, etc., bringing more job for our people. For these to happen we need to get mining experts to harvest this precious mineral worth of billions of dollars. I believe this (seabed mining) is a good idea. Thank you God bless you all.

Ray Masters


Police patrol

A small thing like more visibility on the roads by Police patrolling would go a long way to reducing the road incidents. Noticed a lot more Police tending to those people sitting their motorcycle licenses than out on the road when we were there last week. When we were there in April, they were undergoing training with the radar – has anyone used them since then?

Maraea Hauwaho
