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LETTERS: Award winning town plan

Thursday 15 September 2022 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


LETTERS: Award winning town plan

Dear Editor,

Fabulous looking design – on paper – and clearly designed by people who sit in a lovely office behind computers somewhere remote, but who have absolutely no idea about the impact of the wind and waves when Mother Nature decides to get ferocious especially on that Northern coastline (‘20+ years timeframe’ for award winning town plan, September 13).  

Clearly the (Im) practicalities of this award-winning design were missed by those judges who handed out the awards, they have obviously never been in Rarotonga during a decent hurricane, and the prettiness of the design swayed them away from reality. Trader Jack – bless his soul – experienced the full impact at his pub a number of times, and finally designed a removable bar/restaurant area, because there was just no stopping those waves crashing in once they started, and it was smarter to run for cover. Maybe this brilliant, but rather naïve design winning team, have included a removable Marina, and sea protection wall, because guaranteed that no infrastructure will be there after a decent hurricane strikes.

This reader suggests you all look back at archival photos (even those at Trader Jacks bar) of what can happen on that northern coastal fringe when nature strikes – to ignore that would lead to inevitable folly.

For the Cook Islands Investment Corporation chief executive officer (CEO) to spout words like “… social imperatives, integration, and strategic thinking…” and link that to this ridiculous development – bull****!

(Name and address supplied)

Instead of this big idea, come up with an Architectural Development Plan to deal with the problems we already have? Water catchment, waste treatment and management and infrastructure (roading) which is making good progress and other matters that can be addressed without too much disturbance. No need for big projects like this. Visitors want to visit the Cook Islands, not another Hawaii.

George Tere


Cost of living

No offense to those living in the outer islands but it seems all the benefits are going to those in the outer islands while Raro seems to have to keep making up for what they’re not paying for. Solar went to them all first and now we get the higher power bill. They (will) get the $60k tax free, we will end up paying more somewhere. Where does it end? Trying so hard to entice people to go live in the outer islands, don’t forget about those paying the majority of taxes here in Raro, keeping the “Cook Islands” economy going. Soon there will be no Cook Islanders living in Raro, just foreign business owners.

Tashi Tutai
