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Letter: To Tatou Vai concerns

Monday 24 June 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: To Tatou Vai concerns

Dear Editor, To Tatou Vai (TTV)’s latest public notice is, “Let Your Voice Shape Our Water Supply”.

This writer asked TTV, in this newspaper, on 9th April, to explain the 30 or so vehicles in the TTV fleet, noting that after hours and weekends there’s only a half-dozen that are not taken home for evening and week-end use, and how much we taxpayers are footing a week in fuel costs. You did not tell us.
We asked how many employees? You did not tell us. And you are advertising for one more.
If you can’t show us respect with answers to questions that are, very much, our business, why would we come to your meetings this week? So that you can continue to show disrespect?

(Name and address supplied)