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Letter: ‘Temporary’ fuel surcharge

Tuesday 13 February 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Letters to the Editor, Opinion


Letter: ‘Temporary’ fuel surcharge

Dear Editor, I was looking at my electricity bill from Te Aponga and saw there is still a temporary fuel surcharge of 5 cents per unit on there.

That temporary fuel charge seems to have been on there for way over a year. It doesn’t seem so temporary anymore?

(Name and address supplied)

Te Aponga Uira replies – Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the letter. The writer has rightly noted that the temporary fuel surcharge has been in place for over a year. This is because the fuel prices for almost two years have been well over historical prices and have challenged TAU’s ability to absorb all of the increases. During this period, TAU has borne the majority of the cost increases in fuel. The fuel surcharge has been reduced twice since it was implemented. TAU has also not increased it even when fuel prices spiked again after the two reductions. This fuel surcharge measure is not a permanent one and is constantly being reviewed against the fuel price patterns TAU is subject to.