Tuesday 18 April 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Editorials, Opinion
The Rarotongan Beach Resort & Lagoonarium managing director Tata Crocombe. 20032050
The Cook Islands, known for our pristine beaches, beautiful lagoons and vibrant culture, have long relied on a thriving tourism industry. However, to create a more diversified and resilient economy, it is essential to build strong, mutually reinforcing links between the creative industries, tourism, education, and technology sectors. By doing so, the Cook Islands can move away from commoditised “fly and flop” tourism and offer visitors a more unique and immersive cultural experience that would underpin a more significant contribution of the creative industries to the national economy.
To make this vision a reality, I propose the top three action items for the short, medium, and long term:
Short-term action items:
Medium-term action items:
Long-term action items:
By implementing these action items, I believe the Cook Islands will have an improved chance of becoming an even more sought-after destination while providing rewarding opportunities in the growing creative industries for our people. The creative industries have the potential to become a driving force in our economy, working with the tourism, education and technology sectors in paving the way for a bright, fun, and prosperous future.