Tuesday 5 December 2023 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Environment, National, Regional
The 20th regular session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC20), opened yesterday at Te Are Karioi. Dr Rhea Moss-Christian, Executive Director of Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (left), Pamela Maru, Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) Secretary, and Dr Manu Tupou-Roosen, Director General of the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA). MELINA ETCHES/23120411
The opening ceremony was held yesterday morning at Te Are Karioi (National Auditorium), attended by hundreds of delegates from 41 WCPFC member countries.
These countries encompass small island developing states, developed fishing nations, and participating territories, all united to deliberate on the sustainable management of tuna and its related species in the world’s largest ocean.
A joint media release from WCPFC and the Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) stated that the weeklong meeting will address pivotal agenda items that will shape the strategy for sustainable Pacific tuna fisheries: