Thursday 26 September 2024 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National
Te Mana O Te Rima health practitioners’ group from Aotearoa New Zealand visited Te Are Pa Metua. MELINA ETCHES/24092503
The International Day of Older People aim to raise awareness of opportunities and challenges faced by ageing people, and to mobilise the wider community to address difficulties faced by older persons.
In the Cook Islands, the elderly population play a fundamental part in strengthening our communities – as carers, volunteers, workers and vital contributors to society.
Moana-O-Liliuokalani Marsters, Te Are Pa Metua elderly centre coordinator, said they would be hosting a special function on Tuesday to celebrate the elderly.
“We want to acknowledge our mamas and papas who we have with us, not forgetting those who have recently passed on,” said Marsters.
Yesterday, Te Mana O Te Rima, a health practician group from Aotearoa New Zealand led by Cook Islander Ioana Marsters, paid a visit to Te Are Pa Metua.
“Our priority are the elderly and vulnerable,” said Ioana. “This is a passion project, we have nurses, physios, and health practitioners who take our cue from our elders spend time with the elderly.”
The visiting Te Mana O Te Rima members spent some time using their skills to massage and treat the elderly.
If you are elderly and experiencing body aches, visit Te Mana O Te Rima at the Calvary Hall in Arorangi today from 4pm to 7pm.
Meanwhile, the 2024 International Day of Older People theme is “Ageing with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide”.
In his message, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said: “Let’s commit to strengthen care and support systems that honour the dignity of older persons and caregivers.”
According to the United Nations, today, life expectancy at birth exceeds 75 years in half of the world’s countries or areas, 25 years longer than those born in 1950. Individuals reaching the age of 65 are now expected to live an additional 16.8 years on average.