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No word on missing Indonesian fisherman

Friday 2 June 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Local, National


Cook Islands Police have confirmed that the Chinese longliners fishing in the Cook Islands waters are conducting a search for the missing Indonesian crewman.

Cook Islands Police were notified about the rescue efforts to recover a man overboard from a foreign fishing vessel, north of Rakahanga, in the early hours of Wednesday.

Police spokesman Trevor Pitt yesterday said they have not received any word on the search efforts.

The longline vessel involved is Hua Nan Yu 712 and “there's been no directive to mobilise Te Kukupa II”.

Pitt said the location is more than 800 miles from Rarotonga and would most likely take a couple of days.

He added a report may be ready once the search is over

According to the fishing company report, the missing crewman is a 28 year old Indonesian national, and his family have been informed about the incident.

Pitt said: “Police have been advised that five Chinese longliners in the vicinity have been involved in the search and rescue of the man, after he went into the water at 2.30am.”

He said the missing man was trying to pull in live fish during reeling.

  • CI Police/ LL