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$6700 raised for Aitutaki house fire victims

Friday 20 January 2023 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National


$6700 raised for Aitutaki house fire victims
Araura Radio 88 FM DJ Retire Puapii (front), Aitutaki Council clerk Tepaeru Cameron, Mereana Bishop, Mataiti Rave (back left) and Aitutaki mayor Tekura Po’o Bishop. 23011915

The Aitutaki 88FM radiothon has raised $6700 for the Ben Tati family who lost their house in a fire in November last year.

Considering there hadn’t been much notice to the community about the radiothon, the people who rang in with their donations were generous and it turned out well, said Retire Puapii, Araura Radio 88 FM DJ and volunteer.

The radiothon was delayed until this year because people on the island were busy with preparations for the annual Koni Raoni event, said Puapii.

“However, some families and organisations have already given their donations to the Ben Tati family, such as the Ura Fitness classes, some family reunions including the Mama Tane and Taoirangi family reunion from Vaipae,” he said.

No one was hurt during the house fire, and some of the Tati family were already residing in another of their homes, Puapii added.


Te Tuhi Kelly on 22/01/2023

House and contents insurance anybody?