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Tangi Kaara beats tonight

Friday 30 June 2023 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Entertainment, Features


Tangi Kaara beats tonight
Apii Rutaki awaited ‘CITC Pump the Beats’ Emo’anga Tangi Kaara 2023 drummers ans thir tutors - Memory Tell and Tanoa Taru. MELINA ETCHES/23062915

Tonight, the vibrant sounds of drumming will reverberate through Te Are Karioi (National Auditorium) as schools from around the island gather for the eagerly awaited ‘CITC Pump the Beats’ Emo’anga Tangi Kaara 2023 drumming competition.

The event promises an evening filled with exciting beats as 13 tangi kaara drumming groups compete in the cultural event hosted by Tauranga Vananga (Ministry of Cultural Development) in partnership with CITC (Cook Islands Trading Corporation).

Weeks of dedicated practice and preparation have led to this night as schools have been honing their skills to showcase their cultural talent.

Apii Rutaki from Vaka Puaikura have been practicing their drum beats under the leadership of teacher Memory Tell, and Tanoa Taru.

 “We are really excited about this event and these kids have come a long way, especially since they didn’t have any experience,” said Tell.

The event not only highlights the students musical talents but also emphasises the importance of preserving culture.

CITC Brands Manager George Williamson is a “passionate” drummer and still is a great supporter and driver of the event.

“We have a unique culture and we want to promote the skill and art of rutu pate (drumming) for our kids.

“We are looking forward to a great night seeing our kids perform and to showcase what they have learnt,” he said.

Tereora College will feature four teams in the Emo’anga Tangi Kaara representing their anau: Te Kou, Ikurangi, Te Manga and Maungaroa.

The seven primary schools performing tonight are: Apii Avarua, Nikao, Arorangi, Rutaki, Te Uki Ou, Takitumu and Ioteava Peata; and Titikaveka and Nukutere College.

The show starts at 6pm tonight, tickets are $10 per adult and $5 per child; $10 pay per view livestream.