Wednesday 10 May 2023 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Art, Features
Women from Hapū Wānanga, Waikato are visiting Rarotonga to help facilitate the Nui Rarotonga session this morning. From left: Tamara Karu (midwife and childbirth educator) from Hapū Wānanga, - Karen Palmer (lactation consultant), Libby Gray (childbirth and cultural educator). SUPPLIED/23050904
Libby Gray (childbirth and cultural educator) and Tamara Karu (midwife and childbirth educator) from Hapū Wānanga will support Nui Rarotonga’s Antenatal Group facilitator nurse Rereao Vano with this afternoon’s session from 5pm.
Hapū Wānanga will share with an enormous amount of advice, guidance, resources and aro'a with the Nui team.
Volunteer Services Abroad (VSA) Plunket nurse Molly Dalton who is the Cook Islands Child Welfare Association (CICWA) early childhood nurse/Well-Child trainer said this is an amazing opportunity for the vaine nui (pregnant women) and their support people to learn from highly skilled and experienced childbirth educators.
Last week, three expectant mums attended the first Nui class. One of the brainstorming topics was the role of the very important support people - lots of great ideas for how partners, family and friends can support mums before, during and after baby birth.
The Nui six week programme is designed for pregnant women/vaine nui and their support people (e.g. partner, husband, mother, sister, friend), and covers topics such as healthy pregnancy, preparing for labour and birth, roles of support people, and the early days of parenting.
Vaine nui are welcome to attend the 5pm session today at the Child Welfare office premises located on the Back Rd of Takuvaine alongside the Cook Islands National Council of Women, and the Cook Islands National Disability Council headquarters.
More information is on the Nui Rarotonga Facebook Page, or contact 55244, or pop in to see the friendly women at the centre.