Tuesday 12 October 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Cycling, Sports
Cyclists will compete in the Annual BSP 100K (kilometre) Cycle Challenge this Saturday. SUPPLIED/21101119
Cook Islands Triathlon Association president Roland Neururer has led the training programme which has seen the cyclists building stamina by climbing hospital hill repeated times and working their way through ever increasing distances in preparation for the event.
The final training session of 85K took place last Saturday ahead of the BSP 100K event. The record time for the 100K cycle was set last year by Roland Neururer and Jason Moorfield who worked together to achieve an amazing time of 2 hours 49 minutes.
Beating this will be hard, and will necessitate the cyclists cycling at an average speed of over 35kmph for almost three hours.
Cook Islands Triathlon Association (CITAI) kindly asks for all road users to please be mindful of the cyclists who all appreciate your patience especially as in places it is necessary to cycle towards the middle of the road to avoid potholes and other hazards.
CITAI would also like to thank BSP for sponsoring the cycle series again.