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Youngsters look flash thanks to Mongoose

Saturday 12 June 2010 | Published in Regional


Under 13 rugby union players from all six Rarotonga clubs will step out on to the field today sporting brand new jerseys thanks to the Avatiu-Nikao Mongoose Golden Oldies club.

Before being handed out to the clubs, the jerseys, including a full set for the Are Nikau club on Aitutaki, were blessed by Orometua papa Tereora on Thursday night.

The seven sets of tops, valued at $5000, were bought by the club from funds raised during last year’s charity luncheon with ex All Black Frank Bunce, who was also the ambassador for the 2009 Golden Oldies mini rugby festival.

Other funds from the various Mongoose fundraisers also went towards the purchase.

During the blessing of the jerseys, Mongoose spokesperson George George said the ‘mastermind’ behind the fundraising project was fellow member Robert Skews.

George added that the bright idea to put the funds towards new under 13 jerseys came from Papa Tearoa Tini, also a Mongoose stalwart.

“If it wasn’t for Papa Tini’s bright spark idea these funds could have been diverted to other causes,” George said.

Each of the six clubs on Rarotonga and the Are Nikau club on Aitutaki will receive jerseys in their club colours black and red for Arorangi, dark blue for Titikaveka, black and white for Tupapa, blue and gold for Avatiu, red for Takuvaine, maroon for Ngatangiia-Matavera and black and red for Are Nikau.

And while the Mongoose logo on the front of the jerseys ended up bigger than planned, George said that it didn’t really matter as the large logo is very telling of the involvement the Mongoose club has in the sports and wider community.

Credit must be given to all Mongoose members for their dedication to junior sports development in the Cook Islands.

The Mongoose club has helped the junior league development programmes in the past and they continue to support the community at large in whatever projects they can assist in.

The club are also seen most weekends cleaning up rubbish from the Nikao social centre area, training at the Nikao field or relaxing at their headquarters Rose Garden Bar.

On a final note, George said that they only place they want to see the jerseys is on the field.

“We don’t want to see these jerseys worn around town or at the movies. There’s only one place we want to see these jerseys and that’s on the rugby field.”