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Church Talk

To mum with love

Saturday 8 May 2010 | Published in Regional


Avatea Primary School year six students have spent the week writing stories and poems about their mums.

Here are some of the stories from the year six students.

My mum

Mothers offer the world for her sons and daughters and they are even like the rarest diamond to her.

By Dean Archer

Year six

Toku metua vaine

E poe tiare noku

Inangaro ia e au

Kia rekareka koe

Manea tikae koe

Manea tikai toou tutu mata

Kua riro koe i te utuutu iaku i te au ra

Mei toku Ngakau – te inangaro nei au ia koe.

Na Kanoelani Wigmore Year six

Toku mama

Ko Nini Wynn toku mama. E mama rekareka toku. E mama maru aia.

E tunu ana aia i toku kai. E tuitui an aia i toku kakau.

E mama manea toku mama. E aroa ana au i toku mama.

E angaanga ana toku mama ki runga i te are maki.

E a a toku mama Tamariki. E reka ana toku mama i te kara auika.

Na Naychi Myo Min Year six

My mother

My mother is hard working and an outstanding lady. She’s thoughtful and careful. Her heart is pure even when she is restless.

By Luand Brown Year six

Toku mama

E pukuatu noku.

Inangaro au ia koe e mama.

Kia akameitaki ia ia koe e te Atua.

Kia akameitaki ia koe e mama.

Naringa kare koe, kare au i teia ra.

Na Jordin Manuela Year six

My mother

My mother is good to me and my sisters even though I don’t listen.

I know that it’s bad not to listen to my mum.

Next time I will try and listen to my mum.

I want to be better than before. I want the best for my mum on Mother’s Day.

My mum is special because she cares about us.

My mum works so hard for us. She wants the best for me and my sisters.

I love my mum with all my heart.

By William Napa Year six

My mother

My mother is special because she cares for everyone and treats everyone fair.

My mother is always there for me. She works hard every day and wakes up early in the morning to help me get ready for school.

She helps me all the time and when I need help.

She makes me breakfast and dinner and treats me very well.

I love my mother just the way she is and hope she does not change.

My mother is special in lots of ways.

By Teupoko Ariihee Year six

My mum

My mother is an ordinary woman. She tries to help me with my work. She hugs me Every time I go to bed. She helps me with my reading. I love my mother.

By Enua Fameitau Year six

My mother

Why is my mum special?

My mum is special because she always takes good care of me and she always makes my lunch with me.

My mum is kind and nice to us when we never get cheeky.

My mum is special because she always brings me to school.

My mum is loving and hugable.

That’s why I love my mum.

My mum always smacks me but I still love her.

All mums are special because they are careable.

By Tamaura Year six

My mother

I celebrate Mother’s Day because my mum does all the work while my dad watches too much TV.

I love my mum because when I get sad she always cheers me up and gives me treats.

I love my mum because she always looks after me and gives me hugs before I go to sleep.

She takes us to tennis and soccer games.

She cheers for us and she makes us proud.

My mother is our cheerleader. We love her.

By Strauss Williams Year six

My mother

I would like to write about a special woman in my life – my mother.

My mother is loving and caring.

My mother is funny and kind.

My mother is sensitive and humble.

I can never have another mother like my mother.

I love my mother.

By Rachel Scheel Year six

My mother

M – is for the things she gave me

O – is for obeying her

T – is for trusting her

H – is for being honest to her

E – is for good effort and

R – is for relaxing on a lovely day

By Juliano Vakapora Year six


My mother is sweet.

Only so kind like God

Treasure is in her heart

Her honesty is with her

Every heart is one

Remember the love she gave you

By Ritua Rauraa

Year six

My mother

My mother is special in a lot of ways because she takes care of me every day.

My mum tucks me into bed and gives me hugs and kisses every night.

Sometimes she smacks me when I’m naughty but she still loves me.

My mum takes us to the shops and lets us get something for ourselves.

She looks after me, my brother and sister every day non-stop.

My mum is obedient, terrific, helpful, extravagant and responsible.

My mum loves me and I love her. She works very hard every day.

My mum spends a lot of time with our family. She helps me do me homework and other things.

My mum cooks for the family. She helps me when I’m hurt. I love my mum and I know she loves me.

That’s why she is special.

By Kennady Pokoina Year six