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Police plead for change of attitude

Monday 8 March 2010 | Published in Regional


The tragic death of young Cook Islander and local news presenter Tamarii Pierre (19) adds to the out-of-control drink driving trend that is taking so many young lives.
Police commissioner Maara Tetava is pleading with all members of the public to change their attitude to drink driving and speeding.
“We have lost another young Cook Islander with so much promise for the future, to a motor vehicle crash,” says Tetava.
“This is very tragic for all of us. Another life lost is too much.
“We as the community must take ownership of this problem.
“It is not a police only concern, it is our concern.
“We are doing the best that we can to apprehend drink drivers but we can only do so much. It is very disappointing to see a lot of our people including high profile persons in the community still flouting the drink driving laws.
“Factors which may have contributed to this crash are alcohol and speed.
“People must change their attitude to drink driving and speeding.
“People who flout the law by driving after having consumed alcohol must stop this behaviour for all of our sakes.
“The view that a few drinks will not harm, or I’ve never been involved in a crash before so it will not happen to me, does not wash any more.
“This lack of concern for safety must change.
“We will all need to play our part.”
Tetava says that that an investigation team is fully dedicated to investigating the vehicle accident that killed Pierre.
“We urge anyone who may have seen the vehicle concerned or who may have been with the persons involved prior to the crash to contact our investigation team on 22499 urgently.” -Matariki Wilson