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PM confirms messages are from God

Tuesday 6 September 2016 | Published in Regional


Samoa’s Tuilaepa has spiritual writing translated

SAMOA – Samoa’s Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi believes the writings in ancient Hebrew by a young Samoan woman who claims to bear the marks of Jesus Christ’s suffering, are genuine.

Toaipuapuaga (Toa) Opapo does not have any knowledge of the languages of the ancient Hebrews, but she and her reverend father claims she is writing messages from God.

The Prime Minister told the media on Thursday that he had verified the writings with the Jewish High Commission in New Zealand.

He said the girl’s father Reverend Opapo Oeti had sought his help in using his political contacts to verify the Hebrew writings on several occasions.

“I informed Samoa’s High Commission in Wellington to contact the Jewish Ambassador about the writing,” said Tuilaepa.

“I have received the translation of the writing and the Jewish Ambassador was shocked about the accuracy of the writing, and sent a translation.”

Tuilaepa said the translation reads “that on the 21st August you will be given a message”.

“I have chosen you on the mission of peace because of the division amongst (people) and the differences in (their) views and you are the messenger of peace,” Tuilaepa said, reading the translation.

“On the 18th December the message of peace should be made public. Do not worry but believe in me for there is no fear in love and perfect love expels fear. Jehovah is by my side.”

Tuilaepa also confirmed that two weeks ago another event occurred where Toa Opapo was praying at a church and the statue of Jesus was seen with blood and water coming from it.

He said if any event like this happens to a country, it means Samoa is blessed through Opapo.

“So on the 18th December the mission of peace will be revealed through Toa who is chosen as the servant of God to reveal this,” the prime minister told local reporters.

A lot of people in Samoa are sceptical about the claims from Opapo and Tuilaepa said he is aware of it.

“A lot of people do not believe it when a young woman is chosen but the most shocking thing is the spiritual leaders have forgotten that God does not call the qualified – but those who are not qualified – to send his message.”

He also made reference to the Apostle Paul and pointed out that in the Bible he too had borne the suffering of Jesus Christ.

In the Bible, Tuialepa pointed out, under the book of Galatians 6, verse 17, it reads: “From now on let no one trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of our Lord Jesus.”

Tuilaepa said he is reminded of the Galatians scripture whenever he hears about people who do not believe and the miracles done by Jesus when he raised Lazarus from the dead.

Toa Opapo, who claims she is carrying the marks of Jesus Christ’s suffering during his crucifixion – known as stigmata – earlier this year became the target of verbal abuse and threatening remarks on social media.

Opapo appeared on TV One news to speak about her experience with the stigmata.

She confirmed that the marks started appearing on Good Friday when, during a church service that morning, she played the role of Jesus in a church passion play.

Her father said they saw blood pour out when the boys in the play started hitting her.

The signs of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ, such as the hands, wrists, and feet then followed, continued on Saturday.

To receive a vision from God is humbling, Toa Opapo said. But she added that it is also a message to the church and to Samoa.

“I’m just another human being but my body has been used as a reminder because God knows that the faith of his servants are dying.”

Since July, the young woman has been reportedly writing messages in ancient Hebrew.

Whilst she said she has no idea what the messages mean or the fact that she does not understand the Hebrew language, she says “God is using my hand to write His message”.

Reverend Opapo, his daughter and family are prepared for the vision that the messages suggest. He said they are preparing for that day, although he has no idea how, but to trust in God.

Toa said she has been told that would come with pain and suffering.

Her message is for “the people to repent as God continues to reveal His love for mankind to be saved.”

Reverend Opapo said it is planned that the stigmata occurrence, the visions, revelations and messages as conveyed through Toa will be compiled and published in a book.

- PNC sources