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PM blames palagi laws for violence

Monday 9 May 2016 | Published in Regional


SAMOA – Samoa’s Prime Minister has attributed the growing problem of interschool violence to Samoa’s decision to adopt a number of international conventions giving children more freedom.

Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi said these often contradict the teachings of the Holy Bible, which should be strictly adhered to.

Tuilaepa made the comments following the closure of Avele College last week as police investigate threats made on social media in relation to a fight with Maluafou College.

The police in Samoa have charged 22 students over recent fights involving several schools.

The students are from Avele and Malua Fou College as well as the USP Alafua Campus and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints College at Pesega.

A police spokesperson said the students have been charged with disorderly behaviour, being armed with a dangerous weapon and use of electronic devices for the purpose of inciting violence as well as using insulting words.

They will appear in court on May 17.

Police said they arrested the students after brawls on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday last week.

Samoa’s straight-talking prime minister has waded into the issue waving the Bible, saying “only Biblical principles bring peace”.

“We can’t hide from the fact that parents and the teachers can no longer control their children,” said Tuilaepa.

“It’s all because they reached out to these legislations from overseas instead of using the teachings of the Bible.

“Spare the rod and spoil the child is one of the teachings that should be used to deal with children.”

The prime minister said the lessons he learnt from being beaten by his teachers shaped him to be the person he is today.

“I would’ve been another thief out there assaulting people if it wasn’t for that beating from the teachers – that is what I’m saying, why should we follow palagi laws when we have the teachings from the Bible?”

Tuialepa did not specifically mention any specific name the international conventions he was referring to.

But he did confirm that his cabinet has directed the Office of the Attorney General to draft legislation to help discourage, stop and prevent the type of behaviour that leads to acts of violence between school students, thereby causing injury and creating an environment of fear amongst students, teachers, parents and the general public.

Tuilaepa said the legislation should reflect Samoa’s principles of Christian living, cultural practices and modern-day disciplinary measures that are also used by other democratic forms of government within the Commonwealth and United Nations family of nations.

Asked if he thought the closureof the colleges is unfair on innocent students and teachers, Tuilaepa said it’s a tough issue.

“Once decisions are made there are other solutions to it,” he said. “Another way is for them to go back to schools in their districts. Do you know that there are children from Lepa attending Avele when there are colleges in the district that they should attend instead?

“This is what happens when they come to town and muck around, ride on the buses and do stupid things in town that can affect other children that were not involved at first.

“The only solution is to close the schools,” he said.

Tuilaepa also scorned at the old pupils associations and parents of the school for not acting earlier to resolve the problem.

“Avele school used to have a very unified old pupils and parents association,” he said.

He recalled his comments he made about three months ago where he warned the students including Avele College that Cabinet would do something drastic to stop the fights forever.

“I thought Avele would’ve caught that statement I made in front of here,” said Tuilaepa.

Another solution, he said, is to stop giving government funds to schools who break the law.

Tuilaepa admits that the government has no power over the missionary schools but they can stop injecting funds to the schools.

“Now that this has happened we will ask the police for a report. If the school has bad records of school fights then we will stop giving them funds.”

The President of the Avele College Old Pupils Association, Tupa’i Albert Atoa, has reacted to the prime minister’s claim they have failed to do their part to stop Avele students from fighting.

Tupa’i said there is nothing they could do.

“What could we have done?” he said. “We can’t do much if they don’t take our advice. We talk to them, we remind them but they don’t listen.

“We have been telling the students for years that no one is ever popular for doing stupid things. We try our best to help the school fundraise but it seems like there are still students involved in these things.”

A meeting was called at Avele on Thursday for parents, teachers and old pupils to discuss the issue.

According to Tupa’i parents have taken ownership of the problem.

“The parents are willing to cooperate with teachers and work to find solutions. The parents took ownership of the problem and it appears that it starts from within the environment the kid is in.

Tupa’i also added that he had met with the Prime Minister last week.

“He said that it was easy to reopen the school but the main concern is if it is reopened, another fight might break out and someone might get killed,” said Tupai. “We are preparing a written report for him on possible solutions to the problem.”

- Samoa Observer/PNC