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NFP says military still dominates Fiji

Saturday 14 November 2015 | Published in Regional


SUVA – The opposition National Federation Party says the resignation of Fiji’s the Police Commissioner shows that military rule remains supreme in Fiji.

The former commissioner, Ben Groenewald, has said miltary interference in police work is one reason why he resigned.

The Military Land Force Commander Colonel Sitiveni Qiliho was announced as acting commissioner immediately.

NFP President Tupou Draunidalo says it’s clear Groenewald was given his marching orders.

“This so-called democratic parliament that we have is window-dressing and one that has been convenient for Australia, New Zealand and the United States to project outwards because it justifies the use of millions and millions of their tax dollars.

“Here we have a simple example, one that has come up very starkly of how all that is a lie and it’s a ruse.

“We are very, very concerned, alarmed and the NGO Coalition said that they were appalled. It is appalling. The military in this country, they just don’t know their role.

“ If we are going to be understanding, of course they don’t know their role, they have been intervening in government over the past 30 years. They don’t know where they should stand.

“They have no concept of what a military is in a democratic government system. They think they can second-guess parliament, in fact they think they are above parliament. They have absolutely no respect for what tax-payers think.

Draunidalo says the appointment of Colonel Qiliho to the top police post is deplorable.

“See that is what I mean about the military not knowing its role. The commander puts out a statement that the police and the military must always work together. He is totally confused.

“He just doesn’t know that his role is nowhere in civilian affairs. He should just shut up and stay in the barracks. Shut up, until the elected government gives a lawful command, he should shut up and stay there.

“Do whatever the hell he wants to do, but just don’t show his perception of what he thinks their role is because it is rubbish. They only should come out at war time.

Draunidalo believes Groenweald was forced to resign.

“Well, he himself said that he left because of military interference and we think he left because he was told to go. Given 24 hours to leave.

“That’s not resignation, that’s being fired.

“And being replaced by a military officer? I don’t know what training they have in policing.

“Policing has to do with civilians and civilian matters and this gentlemen, he made statements last week totally contradicting police work, police ethos and what the commissioner of police was doing.

“He totally has a conflict of interest with police and civilian affairs and then he’s put there as commissioner of police now. It’s a weird sense of humour they have.”

- Dateline Pacific