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Church Talk

My famous sports hero Richie McGraw

Saturday 6 November 2010 | Published in Regional


My favourite sports hero is Richie McGraw. He is one of the best players in rugby that I like to watch on TV. He is in his late 30s. He plays for the Crusaders in their provincial games. Richie captains the New Zealand All Blacks. I like how Richie tackles and steals the ball from his opponents. He is a prop. He is tough and people like me admire his determination and courage in leading his team to victory this year. They won the Tri Nations and Bledisloe Cup and I think they will be a hard team to beat in the next world cup. Their last game against the Springboks proved how dangerous they can be on the playing field. With Richie as their captain I am sure all eyes will be on these Mighty All Blacks.

By Tania Nganu

Grade 5

My favourite sports hero Vaike Tairi

My favourite sports hero is Vaike Tairi. He is my dad. He is a member of the Takuvaine Red Devils and he plays rugby for them. His position is loose forward. He was only 16 years old when he joined the Takuvaine Rugby Club. I choose him as my favourite sports hero because he was a good tackler and he was a good player. Their captain was really good to them and taught them a lot. That was his favourite sport. He misses playing rugby and misses his friends.

By Teumere Tairi

Grade 4

Precious gift

Precious gift

How wonderful they are

How lucky am I

To have my parents with me

Some kids don’t have parents

That’s why I say

I am the precious gift.

By Tia Tuivaga

Grade 4

My name

D = Dainty

A = awesome

N = neat

N = noble

E = enjoyable

T = talkative

T = talented

E = excitable

D = Delicious in

A = anyway

N = never that

I = interested in

E = enjoying a

L = laugh with her enemies

By Dannette Daniel

Form 2

Acrostic Poem

E = Essabelle is

S = short

S = small

A = and noisy

B = but always

E = enjoys a good

L = laugh with her

L = lovely friends and

E = enemies

By Essabelle

Form 2

Toku Ipukarea

Te Kuki Airani toku Ipukarea

Te manea e te akaieie

To rongo ki teia nei ao

Kua riro ei ngakauparau

Anga naku.

Kia vai uatu rai

Tena rongo

E rau te tuatau

Toku Ipukarea

By Malina Murare

Pupu 4

Toku Mami

Ko te pori toku mami

E noo ana aia ki Akaoa

E rouru poto tona e te kerekere

E vaine anganga aia.

E vaine meitaki e te akono iaku.

By Daimzel Rongokeu

Pupu 4

Toku Mama

E mama meitaki toku.

E vaine manea aia.

E vaine mataora aia e te katakata.

E mama Rarotonga toku.

E tuatua Rarotonga ana aia

E 43 ona Mataiti.

E angai ana aia iaku.

E vaine angaanga aia.

Ko TeHui Fariu te ingoa o toku mami.

E vaine rekareka aia.

E 2 ona tungane e 4 ona tuaine pera katoa aia.

E apai ana aia iaku kite au ngai mataora

E mama meitaki toku.

Rangina Akava

Pupu 4