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‘Party paddling’ proposed

Tuesday 30 March 2010 | Published in Regional


Saturday’s corporate oe vaka sprint races were so successful that there have been a few suggestions to hold the canoeing association fundraiser at least three times a year.

And because of the massive fun atmosphere that surrounds the races – one oe vaka fan suggested that the event be called ‘party paddling’.

While everyone was a winner on the sandy dance floor – the swashbuckling Captain Tama’s pirates were the overall winners of the sprints races which attracted 36 crews.

The results from the water action are very interesting indeed with times around the 1.30.20 mark in the first ‘warm up rounds’.

As the day progressed and the beverages flowed – faster times were recorded.

Following the Captain Tama’s pirates progress – the team registered a time of 1.26.64 in their first round race.

Unfortunately the pirates tried to pull a sneaky one with five registered paddlers causing the team to be disqualified giving team HSBC the win in that race with a time of 1.31.01.

In their second race during the knockout round (with the right number of registered paddlers), Tama’s crew lined up against all the teams that came first in their respective heats.

The pirates registered a blistering time of 1.23.16 to win the race with team Budget taking second place with a time of 1.26.54.

The pirates went on to win their semi finals race, registering almost the exact same time as their knockout race to move into the finals.

The pirates lined up with team Budget, Team Sava, the Foreign Affairs team and the Aotea Rowers from the NZ High Commission in the grand finals race of the day.

Captain Tama’s not only took out the races – they recorded the fastest time of the day winning the finals race in 1.20.75 with team Budget in second (1.22.94) and team Sava taking third place in a time of 1.23.72.

The day was certainly one enjoyed by all.

Full results: Round one – (race one) Aotea Rowers 1:26:29, Timberland Tigers 1:26:63, ANZ one 1:27:10, CI Tourism 1:28:17, Wave Power 1:28:54, (race two) Team Teachers 1:33:18, ANZ two 1:33:28, CI News 1:34:90, Southpac Slashers 1:35:13, (race three) Transporters 1:35:09, Summerfields 1:35:17, Hoppers 1:35:88, Telecom Sinkers 1:36:85, Foreign Affairs 1:37:22, (race four) Cook Is Trust 1:32:32, Island Car & Bike Hire 1:33:90, Manuia Blondes 1:34:59, Justlaw Oe Vaka 1:35:26, Telecom Floaters 1:37:10, (race five)Budget 1:28:33, Ocean Power Te Aponga 1:32:10, Team Sava 1:32:74, CIIC Cuban Raft Raiders 1:34:11, All Saints Raro Roofing 1:35:77, (race six) HSBC 1:31:01, Jetz Airport Authority 1:31:71, Rarotonga Roofing 1:33:22, Born Cool Like Ice 1:33:80, Capt Tama’s (DQ) 1:26:64, (race seven –round one knock out) Foreign Affairs 1:27:21, Southpac Slashers 1:31:82, Telecom Floaters 1:32:31, All Saints Raro Roofing 1:33:03, Wave Power 1:35:32, (race 8) Telecom Sinkers 1:31:35, C.Is Tourism 1:32:79, WBC 1:34:29, CI News 1:35:27, Justlaw Oe Vaka 1:36:02, (Race 9) CIIC Cuban Raft Raiders 1:31:70, Hoppers 1:32:20, Transporters 1:32:51, ANZ one 1:32:51, Born Cook Like Ice 1:33:70, (race 10 – round two knock out) Team Sava :29:50, Timberland Tigers 1:31:03, Manuia Blondes 1:32:00, Team Teachers 1:32:91, ANZ two 1:34:65, (race 11) Aotea Rowers 1:28:98, Summerfields 1:29:48, Jetz Airport Authority 1:29:98, Rarotonga Roofing 1:30:72, Island Car & Bike Hire 1:31:28, (race 12) Capt Tama’s 1:23:16, Budget 1:26:54, Cook Is Trust 1:28:75, HSBC 1:29:22, Ocean Power 1:32:25, (race 13 – semi finals), Capt Tama’s 1:23:19, Summerfields 1:26:53, Telecom Sinkers 1:27:09, Wave Power 1:28:69, Timberland Tigers 1:29:13, (race 14), Foreign Affairs 1:22:92, HSBC 1:24:62, Transporters 1:25:53, CIIC Cuban Raft Raiders 1:26:49, CI Tourism 1:27:12, (race 15), Budget 1:21:65, Team Sava 1:23:78, ANZ one 1:26:13, CI Trust 1:26:85, Team Teachers 1:27:74, (race 16 –finals), Captain Tama’s 1:20:75, Budget 1:22:94, Team Sava 1:23:72, Foreign Affairs 1:24:36, Aotea Rowers 1:24:94.