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Labour and Greens to team up for election

Thursday 2 June 2016 | Published in Regional


NEW ZEALAND – New Zealand’s Labour and Greens parties have signed a historic agreement to fight the National government in the run up to the 2017 election. The parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Tuesday, the first formal agreement between the two parties of any sort. The one-page document states the two parties will “work together in good faith and mutual trust” in order to defeat the conservative National party in the 2017 election. It also lays out the possibility of a joint policy announcement or campaign. However, the agreement only lasts until the election, and is not indicative of a formal coalition. The National government – led by John Key – has had three consecutive terms in power after taking over from Helen Clarke’s labour government in 2008. Since the departure of Helen Clarke from the Labour party, Labour have failed to put in place a leader that could match Key’s charisma and widespread popularity. The 2017 election is due to be held before November next year. “It is our intent to build on this agreement to offer New Zealanders the basis of a stable, credible and progressive alternative government at the 2017 General Election,” said Labour leader Andrew Little in a statement. “The MoU is a fresh start and a sign of newfound strength in our relationship and our mutual commitment to changing the Government.” Little said the only portfolio to have been discussed in a possible government was finance – and that appointment would go to Labour’s finance spokesman Grant Robertson. Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei said the two parties were stronger together than apart. “When Labour and the Greens have actively cooperated and campaigned together, New Zealanders did perceive our parties as a credible alternative to National,” she said. “We are separate parties with our own policies and ideas, but with more than enough in common to work together. We are a good match for building a better Aotearoa New Zealand,” Turei said. Despite optimism among Labour and the Greens, the agreement was met with scepticism from other par

ts of the political spectrum, with claims that the pact lacks detail and does not include the New Zealand First party, whose support is widely seen as crucial to any Labour-led government.

When questioned on Radio National’s Morning Report, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters declined to say if his party would support a Labour-Green government, and called the MoU “worthless”.

However, Labour and the Greens have kept the door open to forging agreements with other parties.

“We are both agreed this is not a monogamous relationship,” Little said.

“It’s politics – but we are determined to work together, to achieve a change of government, and a government that offers a genuinely progressive programme and we welcome any other party who will join us for those two objectives.”

Other details of the MoU include a “no surprises” policy, which means each party will inform the other of any upcoming speeches or announcements, investigating ways to co-operate in the 2016 local body elections, and monthly meetings between the two parties.

- PNC sources