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Golden oldies wrap up

Wednesday 19 August 2009 | Published in Regional


Wednesday 19: The ‘final official’ Golden Oldies rugby match was held in true golden oldies spirit with well over 70 players and 30 supporters at the match followed by a big kaikai.

The numbers made for a great game as we had four quarters instead of three before the kaikai and presentations of awards to those who the executives thought deserved them.

These were presented by Trish Barton of The Bond Store which is the Cook Islands Golden Oldies Association’s sponsor.

The award for the team that has the golden oldies spirit went to the Mongoose and it felt good to have General George be presented with a tray of Steinlager from a Pure Blonde!

The award for the most enthusiastic team went to 2papa. Most improved player was our young Ringiao Manarangi.

Our top award for the person who showed the golden oldies spirit under all pressure was Taua (Mower Man) Benioni who put up with sheer hell from all others but despite what was thrown at him he was always smiling and helped all new players, and never aggro, despite what the Mongoose may say.

Many other awards were given out for various help and deeds throughout the season as well.

The executive of the association would like to give their thanks to Takitumu for a great kaikai and looking after all the GO teams and supporters.

May next season be as good as this one!

It was also good to see so many volunteers at the netball from the GO, good on you all. - Indian