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Fiji’s neighbours providing aid

Wednesday 2 March 2016 | Published in Regional


SUVA – Differences are being put aside between Fiji and its neighbours, as aid keeps flowing in to the cyclone ravaged country.

New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Murray McCully visited Fiji this week and said New Zealand’s aid was starting to make an impact.

He said it will be a long recovery process for Fiji and New Zealand was doing what it could to help.

New Zealand has boosted its support to Fiji after Cyclone Winston by another US$1 million, taking its aid package to just over US$3 million.

McCully said most of the extra $US1 million in aid will help repair the badly damaged electricity grid.

The remaining third would go towards additional relief supplies and technical support.

The aid is being offered at a time that New Zealand’s diplomatic relationship with Fiji has been tested over post coup sanctions and lately over New Zealand’s climate change policies.

But McCully said cooperation during disasters happened even during difficult times and happened naturally between neighbours.

“We’re going to have disagreements from time to time but when there is an urgent need for humanitarian support everybody in this neighbourhood understands that you just knuckle down and deal with those needs – and that’s what we’ve tried to do and I know that’s very much appreciated and everyone I met in Fiji told me that.”

He said New Zealand Defence Force planes were continuing to deliver supplies and the navy ship HMNZS Canterbury would arrive in Fiji today.

The Canterbury will join the HMNZS Wellington in the Northern Lau group by the end of the week.

New Zealand is also planning further support to help communities rebuild.

The Australian navy ship, the HMAS Canberra has arrived in Fiji and will be deployed to help the people of Koro Island which was also badly hit.

The ship is carrying a team of 880 including engineers, carpenters, electricians and plumbers.

Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has announced an additional A$10 million in aid for Fiji bringing the Australian government’s assistance for Fiji to $15 million.

Tonga is also offering aid to Fiji – the kingdom has a naval landing craft to assist with relief efforts in neighbouring Fiji.

Tonga has already sent a naval patrol boat, the Voea Pangai to the badly hit island of Vanuabalavu in Fiji’s east at the weekend.

Tonga National Emergency Management Office director Leveni ‘Aho said it delivered food, water, shelter and kitchen kits as well as Fijian assessment teams to the island of Namuka.

He said it was not the first time the two nations had helped each other out.

“Fiji helped Tonga back in 1982 when we had our big cyclone then. This is the first time it’s a major disaster for Fiji and Tonga is only too willing to help.” Aho said Tonga was just waiting to hear from Suva whether the barge is required.

The Papua New Guinea government said it was providing US$1.8 million to help Fiji’s recovery effort following Cyclone Winston.

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said the disaster relief funding was intended to buy shelter, food and medicine for people affected.

O’Neill said the magnitude of the tropical storm was another example of the extreme weather that the region would have to be prepared to deal with in the future.

He said the disaster relief funding would be paid directly to the government of Fiji for immediate use.

The aid comes at the PNG government has been criticised for not doing enough for drought and flood relief affected communities in its own remote regions.

- PNC sources