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Concerns over brothel for PNG’s Manus

Monday 6 February 2017 | Published in Regional


Papua New Guinea – Concerns are being raised over a proposed brothel for asylum seekers on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island.

At least 900 asylum seekers and refugees continue to live on Manus since the Australian-run detention centre was declared illegal by the PNG supreme court.

Provincial Police Commander for Manus, senior inspector David Yapu, said a local landowner had proposed the idea of establishing a brothel. Yapu said he was against the idea as the brothel would go against PNG’s christian beliefs and traditions and could also spread disease, such as HIV.

He said it was better that the refugees are settled somewhere as soon as possible.

“A brothel will not solve the problem. A brothel will create more. More social issue in the province.”

Yapu said he was not aware of any reports of local youths soliciting young girls for sexual favours with asylum seekers. - RNZI