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Avatiu hosts Tupapa

Thursday 26 August 2010 | Published in Regional


When the Avatiu and Tupapa soccer sides face each other today and leading through to the weekend, both clubs will be itching to register their first win in their opening matches.

Due to unavailability of the Avatiu Swamp they will host Tupapa at the CIFA complex kicking off at 4.15pm with the under 14 boys followed by the senior women’s match. The under 15 girls will start off Friday’s match at 4.15pm followed by the premier men’s at 5pm.

Draw for today: Avatiu vs. Tupapa at the CIFA complex in Matavera: 4.15pm under -14 boys, ref: Robert Savage , asst refs: Anaberth Tetauru and Ua Aberahama; 5pm Senior Women’s, ref: Robert Savage, asst refs: Tino Napa and Paavo Mustonen

Draw for Tomorrow: Avatiu vs Tupapa at the CIFA complex in Matavera: 4.15pm under -15 girls, ref: Supi Arioka Assist Refs: Mosman Baker and Tuteru Vaireka; 5pm premier men’s, ref: Tupou Patia, asst refs: Melanie Wilson and Terry Piri.