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2010 sports awards nominees

Wednesday 26 May 2010 | Published in Regional


Due to a full-on year of sports in 2009 including the Pacific Mini Games national sports federations have gone all out to make sure their athletes’ achievements are recognised.

Following is the list of athletes and associations that were in the running for awards at last night’s national sports awards:

Sportsman of the year nominations:

- Kirk Tuaiti (Cook Islands Golf Association)

- Daniel Tutai (Athletics Cook Islands)

- Mau George(Athletics and Rugby League)

- Junior Charlie (Sailing Cook Islands)

- David Akaruru (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- Reuben Dearlove (Cook Islands Canoeing Association)

- Toara Teinaki (Cook Islands Cricket Association)

Sportswoman of the year nominations:

- Pricilla Elmay Viking (Cook Islands Golf Association)

- Kairangi Vano (Cook Islands Tennis Association)

- Helema William (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Kelly Pick (Cook Islands Triathlon Association)

- Kanny Vaile (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- Ngatungane Tere (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- Emiline Taulu (Cook Islands Canoeing Association)

Junior sportsman of the year nominations:

- Aquila Tatira (Cook IslandsSailing Association)

- Tupuna Amo (Cook Islands Canoeing Association)

Junior sportswoman of the year nominations:

- Pricilla Elmay Viking (Cook Islands Golf Association)

- Teau Moana McKenzie (Cook islands Sailing Association)

- Rosa-Maria Kauvai (Cook Islands Touch Association)

- Emiline Taulu (Cook Islands Canoeing Association)

Sports team of the year nominations:

- 2009 World Youth Netball Under 21 netball squad

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Oe Vaka Squad

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Rugby League team

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Golf Team

- 2009 Cook Islands IRB Wellington sevens squad

- 2009 PMG Tennis Cook Islands ladies team

- 2009 PMG Tennis Cook Islands ladies doubles team

- 2009 PMG National sailing team

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands touch squad

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands bowling men’s team

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands bowling men’s pair

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands bowling women’s team

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands bowling ladies fours

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands bowling ladies triples

- Tupapa-Maraerenga rugby union junior squad

Sports achievement of the year award nominations:

- 2009 World Youth Netball organising committee

- 2009 Vaka Eiva organising committee

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands bowling ladies triple

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands golf team

- Luisa Peters (Cook Islands Weightlifting Association)

- Kanny Vaile (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- David Akaruru (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling men team

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling men’s fours

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling men’s pair

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling women’s team

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling ladies fours

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling ladies pair

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Rugby League team

- Ngatungane Tere (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- Toara Teinaki (Cook Islands Cricket Association)

- Cook Islands Cricket National Team

Fair play award nominations:

- King David Paulo (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling men’s team

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling women’s team

- Mau George (Rugby League Cook Islands)

- Roland Maru (Cook Islands Canoeing Association)

- Cook Islands Cricket National team

IOC sports personality award nominations:

- Anne Frances Tierney (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Tina Browne (Cook Islands Netball Association)

Women in sports award nomination:

- Anne Frances Tierney (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Helema William (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Teau Moana McKenzie (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Kanny Vaile (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- Mou Tokorangi (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling women’s team

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling ladies fours

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling ladies triples

- 2009 PMG Cook Islands Bowling ladies Pair

- Ngatungane Tere (Cook Islands Bowling Association)

- Eva Nepia-Clamp (Cook Islands Canoeing Association)

Sports technical official of the year nominations:

- Tania Wichman (Cook Islands Canoeing Associating)

- Rick Hickling (Cook Islands Sailing Associating)

- Estelle Searle (Cook Islands Netball Association)

- Pare Rongokea (Cook Islands Rugby Union Associating)

Sports administrator of the year nominations:

- Criss Carfex-Foster (Cook Islands Golf Association)

- Len Edwards (Cook Islands Triathlon Association)

- Mairi Heather(Cook Islands Touch Association)

- Maureen Goodwin (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Charlie Carlson (Cook Islands Rugby League Association)

- Alister Stevic (Cook Islands Cricket Association)

- Gail Townsend (Cook Islands Canoeing Association)

- Patsy Hockin (Cook Islands Netball Association)

- George “General” Williamson (Cook Islands Rugby Union)

Sports coach of the year award nominations:

- Theresa Tairi (Cook Islands Netball Association)

- Dean Tutaka (Cook Islands Canoeing Association)

- Sonny Karati (Cook Islands Golf Association)

- Malcolm Kajer (Cook Islands Tennis Association)

- Anne Frances Tierney (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Geoffrey Halston (Cook Islands Touch Association)

- Darren Piri (Cook Islands Rugby League Association)

- Davies Teinaki (Cook Islands Cricket Association)

Best administrated outer island sports association of the year award nominations:

- Aitutaki Sharks Rugby League (Cook Islands Rugby League Association)

- Aitutaki Outrigger Association

- Aitutaki Sailing Club and Sports Association

Best outer islands sports achievement award nominations:

- Daniel Tuttai (Athletics Cook Islands)

- Mau George (Athletics Cook Islands)

- Helema William (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Aquila Tatira (Cook Islands Sailing Association)

- Aitutaki Sharks Rugby League

- Aitutaki Outrigger Canoeing