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Wednesday 21 November 2012 | Published in Politics


“Seeing the Minister of Health driving himself to work this morning in a Government pick-up truck flanked by two police motorcycle outriders complete with red and blue flashing lights, just brings home again the incredible arrogance of the CIP,” a smoke signaller writes. “Not only does this minister, along with his colleagues, spend ridiculous amounts of money and time travelling overseas, and achieving absolutely nothing of benefit for this country, but whenever they are back here for a short R & R to catch their breath and count up their AirPoints, they resort to this sort of pompous display which is little short of breathtaking. A one-term government? You bet!! And before you mouth off Mr Minister, why don’t you get some decent health care facilities into Pukapuka?”

“Seeing the Minister of Health driving himself to work this morning in a Government pick-up truck flanked by two police motorcycle outriders complete with red and blue flashing lights, just brings home again the incredible arrogance of the CIP,” a smoke signaller writes. “Not only does this minister, along with his colleagues, spend ridiculous amounts of money and time travelling overseas, and achieving absolutely nothing of benefit for this country, but whenever they are back here for a short R & R to catch their breath and count up their AirPoints, they resort to this sort of pompous display which is little short of breathtaking. A one-term government? You bet!! And before you mouth off Mr Minister, why don’t you get some decent health care facilities into Pukapuka?”

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