Cook Islander Archie Atiau says the impact of Tropical Cyclone Alfred, which affected South East Queensland and the New South Wales North Coast, Australia, has been severe.
Fiji's Prime Minister is set to restore a backbencher to cabinet after she appeared in a private video dancing naked.
Last Tuesday’s quick departure of the luxury yacht style cruise liner Seabourn Odyssey was reportedly unrelated to cyclone Pat which hit Aitutaki that night. Destination Management Cook Islands (DMCK) cruise ship events coordinator Marlene Cuthers says the ship, the third to visit Rarotonga this year, did not send its passengers ashore citing the official reason […]
“The time to mourn is over – now is the time to rebuild and plant.” These were the words of Aitutaki head agriculture officer Fred Charlie who is leading the crop planting project on Aitutaki. Most of the food crops and fruits trees on Aitutaki were destroyed during cyclone Pat, however Charlie says that some […]
Before Cyclone Pat visited us, we had two guests staying at Gina’s Garden Lodges – Bernhard and Christa Dziuba, a couple from Austria. They stayed through the cyclone and the days after without a complaint about the lack of electricity, or the environmental damage. They took it all in their stride as a unique and […]
When Cyclone Pat threatened the Southern Cook Islands last Wednesday, Air Rarotonga dispatched two aircraft carrying emergency personnel to be sheltered in Mauke in case the storm moved southward over Rarotonga. By 1pm in the afternoon, as soon as the cyclonic winds began to abate on Aitutaki, the aircraft landed with police and other personnel […]
The Aitutaki Tourism Council yesterday issued a media release for worldwide distribution in an effort to preserve tourism and visitor interest following last week’s cyclone. The release sent out by Mike Henry said that in the interest of helping visitors to Aitutaki make informed decisions on their travel to the island, the Tourism Council of […]
The Avatiu Eels lived up to their ‘slippery’ reputation when they managed to slip out of the Arorangi Bears’ grip in the second half of their tense action- packed match on Saturday to run away with the win 34-24. The game was touted to be a big hitting bonanza and the massive crowd of spectators […]
After a week of rugby league in their new Matai Sports uniforms, the 2009 club rugby league champions the Tupapa-Maraerenga Panthers report they feel like NRL stars in their new gears. The Panthers club is the first sports team on the island to take advantage of the Fiji-based team wear manufacturer with the Avatiu Eels […]
The Avatiu swamp is again the place to be this afternoon for the open men’s and women’s touch rugby competition. The competition continues to produce some excellent touch rugby matches and with impressive defences across the board – the team that works together to move the ball around quickly and stretch their opponent will no […]
Building codes will have to be adhered to when reconstruction of private homes begins on Aitutaki following tropical cyclone Pat. “I think the lesson learnt is that if you are building your house, don’t take any shortcuts,” said minister Wilkie Rasmussen after visiting the island last week. “You have to build your house according to […]
Another tropical cyclone is predicted this week. The regional Nadi Weather Office predicts that a new tropical cyclone will form later this week. Director Rajendra Prasad said yesterday that weather conditions between Samoa and the Northern Cook Islands are such that a tropical cyclone is expected to form by Friday and move closer to Fiji. […]
The ministry of foreign affairs and immigration has been busy co-ordinating requests for assistance to rebuild Aitutaki – from regional and international sources, according to secretary Mike Mitchell. “We have been promised $20,000 from the Forum Secretariat immediately – which should defray some of the transport costs. “We have also been encouraged to contact the […]
Local businesses are reaching out to cyclone victims, hosting fundraisers, shuttling work teams to Aitutaki and doing whatever they can to help. Yesterday, CITC hosted a sausage sizzle at Foodland that raised $750 for the cyclone relief effort. CITC donated bread, sausages, tomato sauce, and staff to do the cooking. Funds will go toward assembling […]
Power is slowly being restored to homes on Aitutaki as substations are being fixed. Aitutaki resident Maki Toko, who was manning the cyclone shelter yesterday, reported that a number of homes had electricity. He said that Aitutaki Power Supply staff were working hard to fix sub stations across the island including the rebuilding of power […]
Management at two of Aitutaki’s major resorts have reported no major fluctuations in bookings and said that the stream of tourists to the cyclone-ravaged island is fairly regular. Pacific Resort Aitutaki and Aitutaki Lagoon Resort & Spa are quickly bouncing back from the disaster with the assistance of local resort staff and Rarotonga support teams. […]
Red Cross volunteers, led by Charlie Numanga, were out in numbers on Thursday meeting with households on Aitutaki to gauge their immediate needs. Numanga told Cook Islands News that their main focus was to ensure that people had the basic needs of shelter, food and water. Numanga said they were making sure that people who […]
Cabinet appeals for volunteers, seedlings, tents and NZ Hercules Some power in some pockets on Aitutaki has been restored over the past two days. Prime minister Jim Marurai said yesterday that reinstating power is the immediate priority for the island, along with providing a reliable water supply and providing adequate shelter for the residents who […]
Aitutakians on Rarotonga are rallying to organise a fundraising appeal to assist with the relief effort on Aitutaki following tropical cyclone Pat. Aitutaki Community secretary Mona Ioane said that a meeting of the executive was held yesterday and it is anticipated that a radiothon, along with food stalls at Te Atukura, will be held on […]
Health secretary Tupou Faireka may be out of the country, but this week he kept in close contact with Rarotonga to ensure the ministry would be able to provide emergency and essential health services in the wake of cyclone Pat. Faireka said he was confident that his ministry has the capacity to deal with the […]
For Barbara Robertson, the most impressive thing about cyclone Pat was the local Aitutakians’ reaction to the storm that whipped wind and flying bits of roof and tree into a violent whirl. “That’s the worst weather I’ve ever seen but they just push through it,” she said. “The people are almost stoic – they just […]
The facilities at the Vaipae sports ground (pictured) in Aitutaki sustained some structural damage but villagers say it was lucky not to have been completely destroyed. The tennis and netball courts were renovated in 2008 for the Manea Games which was hosted by Aitutaki. The Vaipae hall in the background has sustained major damage to […]
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