Cook Islander Archie Atiau says the impact of Tropical Cyclone Alfred, which affected South East Queensland and the New South Wales North Coast, Australia, has been severe.
Fiji's Prime Minister is set to restore a backbencher to cabinet after she appeared in a private video dancing naked.
auckland – A meeting is underway in New Zealand to discuss an airline agreement between Polynesian Airlines and Air Tahit Nui.
APIA – The new Tokelau ferry Mataliki has arrived in Apia to begin operations between Samoa and Tokelau.
PAGO PAGO – A US State Department official insists it’s doing everything possible to achieve viable fishing access terms for American Samoa’s tuna industry.
WAITANGI – The New Zealand Prime Minister’s has not taken part in this year’s Waitangi Day celebrations at Te Tii Marae.
APIA – A Samoan local businesswoman who has been preaching about the dangers of foreign businesses says a gang-style attack in Apia recently is the result of a feud between two Chinese-owned companies.
SYDNEY – A woman who was held in detention on Nauru before giving birth to a son in Darwin last year after complications during the pregnancy has described this weeks High Court decision as a nightmare.
BRISBANE – Churches and cathedrals in Australia are offering sanctuary to asylum seekers who have suffered trauma and abuse to prevent their return to Nauru.
NUKU‘ALOFA – Tonga has declared a zika epidemic after confirming five cases from testing nearly 260 people for the mosquito-borne virus, which has been linked to birth defects.
suva – A chance find of Lapita pottery in Fiji’s north last month is expected to spark further interest in the ancient people who settled on islands in the Pacific.
MOOLOOLABA – How does a sea cucumber for dinner tonight sound? While most people may not jump at the thought right now, for Papua New Guinea those echinoderms could be a huge money-maker.
YAREN – A Nauru opposition MP says a new law that requires public servants intending to stand for parliament to quit their jobs three months before the election is designed to eliminate political rivals.
CANBERRA – Australia’s highest court has thrown out a challenge to the lawfulness of the country’s offshore detention of asylum seekers.
PORT VILA – An agreement has been signed by over two thirds of the Vanuatu’s 52 MPs to commit to forming a new coalition government.
MAJURO – The Marshall Islands government has declared a state of emergency as authorities try deal with a severe drought that has gripped the country for several months.
NOUMEA – Preparations for New Caledonia’s independence referendum are assuming growing urgency.
SUVA – The Fiji Institute of Accountants will open an investigation into an accountant who allegedly signed off the audit of the National Federation Party without a certificate of public practice.
PAGO PAGO – American Samoa’s governor said that his opposition to allowing large US longliner vessels to fish in the Large Vessel Protected Area (LVPA) in its EEZ does not mean he is not supportive of the local canneries.
The United States has given Pacific island nations notice that it plans to withdraw from the South Pacific Tuna Treaty, one of its most important aid, trade and geopolitical arrangements with the region.
KADAVU – About 10,000 people from 61 villages on Kadavu could soon be displaced as the rise in sea level continues to threaten Fiji’s fourth largest island.
KINGSTON – The Australian government has put clamps on the Norfolk Island community radio station, directing it to avoid broadcasting political interviews.
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