Cook Islander Archie Atiau says the impact of Tropical Cyclone Alfred, which affected South East Queensland and the New South Wales North Coast, Australia, has been severe.
Fiji's Prime Minister is set to restore a backbencher to cabinet after she appeared in a private video dancing naked.
BRISBANE – Doctors at a Brisbane hospital have refused to release a one-year-old girl, badly burnt on Nauru, until a “suitable home environment is identified”.
PORT MORESBY – The tourism industry in Papua New Guinea will have its own police force.
HONOLULU – Forty-two people forced to abandon a 89-metre fishing boat after it caught fire Wednesday were rescued about 2900km south of Hawai‘i in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean, the Coast Guard said.
RAKIRAKI – More roads and bridges in the Western Division of Fiji have closed because of heavy rain experienced over the past 24 hours.
NABUA – A die-hard Fiji Sevens fan has largely been forgiven for a shattering show of passion last Saturday night.
SIGAVE – The French president is now expected to visit both kingdoms on the French Pacific island of Futuna during the first ever presidential visit to the island scheduled for later this month.
SUVA – Pacific nations have reached agreement to accept American terms to try and resurrect the tuna treaty which fell apart last month.
SUVA – Fiji’s parliamentary opposition walked out of parliament on Thursday, declaring the legislature a “slaughterhouse of democracy” and a “farce”.
PORT VILA – Charlot Salwai is to become Vanuatu’s 11th prime minister.
AMBRYN – Coconut plantations in the west of Vanuatu’s Ambryn island have been destroyed by a fire which has been burning since early January.
NUKU‘ALOFA – Tonga’s Zika surveillance unit has recorded 549 Zika cases up to Monday – including seven cases that were confirmed by laboratory blood tests, said Chief Medical Officer for Public Health, Dr Reynold ‘Ofanoa.
PORT VILA – The shape of Vanuatu’s next Government is about to emerge with the new parliament sitting for the first time.
SUVA – The Fiji prime minister Frank Bainimarama wants a new flag by July this year and it seems he’ll get it.
SUVA – The Fiji government’s been lambasted in parliament for secrecy surrounding the arrival of military equipment from Russia.
TARI – Flights have resumed to two Papua New Guinea provincial capitals, Tari and Popondetta, following suspension of flights last week. Tari, the capital of hela province in the Highlands, had its flights suspended last week due to tribal fighting.
SUVA – Twenty Russian soldiers have arrived in Fiji to help with the transfer of a large consignment of Russian weapons for the Fiji military.
KINGSTON – A volunteer announcer for Norfolk Island’s public radio station says he was sacked for telling the people the Australian administration has plans to stop funding the station.
suva – Members of a Fijian Opposition party have been blocked from taking their seats on the first day of parliament for allegedly using the wrong type of accountant. The National Federation Party had its registration suspended because the accountant it used to audit its annual accounts wasn’t certified by the Fiji Institute of Accountants. The Speaker of Fiji’s Parliament, Dr Jiko Luveni, said the suspension meant the party’s three MPs were not allowed to take their seats, and the parliament voted to support that suspension. Dr Luveni took the decision to block the MPs from the house on advice from the solicitor general after election authorities suspended the party over its audit. National Federation Party lawyer Richard Naidu said he was surprised the parliament voted on the decision. “I didn’t see that coming, and I’m not quite sure what the point of that is,” he said. “But that would tend to support the whole notion that it’s the Fiji First Party majority that decides everything in Fiji, rather than the law.” Fiji First, led by former coup-leader turned Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, won 32 seats of the 50 seat parliament in 2014 elections. Bill Gavoka, an MP with the Opposition Sodelpa party, said members of his party attended the first session with black armbands, protesting “the death of democracy” under Fiji First. “It’s the tyranny of the majority, they have the numbers and they just ride roughshod over everything else in this country,” he said. “It’s treating a grand old party in a very callous way and it’s not the way Fiji needs to run its business. “After eight or nine years of dictatorship, it’s a time for healing. But not with this government, they go for the jugular,” Gavoka said. Australian Greens Senator Janet Rice said she would raise the suspension with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. Senator Rice said Fiji appeared to be moving from a military dictatorship to a parliamentary dictatorship. “I think it needs to concern Australia,” she said. “Fiji and Australia are very close and they are a big recipient of our foreign aid, so Australia needs to be concerned about what is going on. And in fact the rest of the Pacific needs to be concerned as well.” Sodelpa has called on the speaker to get an independent legal opinion. Opposition leader Ro Teimumu Kepa said the parliament had again been hijacked. “And you’ll see I’m wearing a black ribbon today, because democracy if it’s not already dead, it is dying.” - ABC/RNZI
LORENGAU – The Australian Immigration Department is moving to offer asylum seekers on Manus Island alternatives to a controversial anti-malarial drug known to cause or exacerbate mental health issues in some patients.
NADI – Forum Fisheries Agency member states are meeting in Fiji this week to discuss solutions to America’s shock withdrawal from the Pacific Islands Fisheries Treaty.
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