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LETTERS: Govt grant ‘delay frustrating’

Dear Editor, it seems that one cannot get it right, you have Sole Trader Grant application on a waiting list that has taken more than three weeks to process, when your application was already submitted on the first of the month.

Letters to the Editor


LETTERS: NZ ‘essential’ for support

Dear Editor, with the arrival of Covid-19 to the Cook Islands, and with it the need for our people to quarantine or to isolate in order to protect others, Government is providing financial support to those who cannot work due to infection or resident in the same households.

Letters to the Editor

Covid-19 battle: There is light at the end of the tunnel

We cannot predict the future, but as Cook Islanders we can, should and always will hope and plan for the best, working to overcome each new challenge as it arises, writes Prime Minister Mark Brown.

On the Street


LETTERS: Reduction in welfare packages

Dear Editor, it was disheartening to hear on the radio talk back show on March 18, 2022 from TMO (Te Marae Ora Ministry of Health) staff and other agencies that the welfare packages that was issued to Covid-19 affected homes was reduced by the governing agencies.

Letters to the Editor


The eyes of the Lord are everywhere

Who you are when no one is watching is who you really are, and it’s this private self that is judged by God, not the self you pretend to be in public, writes Ruta Mave.

On the Street

LETTERS: 'Reopen Pa Enua borders'

Dear Editor, why is the rest of the Pa Enua closed except Aitutaki?

Letters to the Editor

Genie in a bottle: The magic of glass

Sand has become a hot commodity here on Rarotonga and Aitutaki. Yes, for the picture-perfect beach shots, but also for increased interest to build, writes Te Ipukarea Society.

On the Street

What dies becomes the fertiliser of our lives

If we measure our lives in season, there are those seasons when the Sun shone so brightly and others where it was grey and cold and it just seemed to rain, rain and rain, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.

On the Street

LETTERS: Animal rights and welfare

Dear Editor, following some time of having my neighbour’s piglets digging up my gardens and yard on a daily basis (a yearly event) I approached said neighbour – a good bloke and quietly and politely requested that he please contain his piglets on his own property.

Letters to the Editor



LETTERS: More than meets the eyes

Dear Editor, (As a follow up to the article published in Cook Islands News, Saturday, March 12: “There’s much more to the Cook Islands than meets the eye”).

Letters to the Editor


PET TALK: The Power of the Dog

I haven’t seen the film, which has won praise, earned millions, and won high acclaim from audiences and critics alike.

On the Street

LETTERS: Cannabis, the burning questions

Dear Editor, does the Cook Islands News have an editorial page that essentially states or supports the position of your newspaper in relation to various topics in our community?

Letters to the Editor


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