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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

Letters to the Editor

Top cop position advertised

7 December 2024

Church Talk



Te Tuhi Kelly: Reshaping education for the next generation

The latest Education NCEA results are pretty embarrassing to be honest. The headline says it all – “29 teachers leave: Mokoroa explains teacher shortage and declining results – Cook Islands News”, writes Te Tuhi Kelly.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Plaque instead of shade?

The destruction of the still-living Utu tree in the Arorangi CICC grounds was not widely debated in the community.


LETTERS: What about our environment?

Dear Editor, interesting to read about Lord Howe Island and how they have gone down a completely different road than the Cook Islands in terms of attracting tourists.



LETTERS: Cannabis a health issue

Dear Editor, I want to praise and congratulate the two distinguished defence lawyers, Norman George and Mark Short, along with Cook Islands Law Society president Ben Marshall and the Executive Director of the New Zealand Drug Foundation, Sarah Helm.



The importance of non-government organisations

A non-government organisation, also referred to as an NGO is an organisation that operates independently from the government, working to promote the well-being of everyone in the community and promoting citizen participation.


OPINION: What’s right and wrong about tourism in the Cook Islands

Over five weeks I will outline what I see as the main problems which serve as barriers to tourism – from dogs to rubbish to mynahs to service to human rights.


OPINION: ‘They are just barking up the same tree with populist political policies’

Well, I am enjoying our visit to Aitutaki and I have also been talking up a storm with other opposition party supporters who are interested in what I have to say.



LETTERS: Cannabis referendum

Dear Editor, I feel for those who wants this referendum to be accepted due to their illness and pain.

Letters to the Editor


LETTERS: 'Back to the old days'

Dear Editor, at a meeting at the Are Puka at Avatiu, the issue was raised “what has caused an increase in dog numbers”?



Raising newborn puppies

New pups are often scared of their new surroundings. Children are likely to be excited, but too much noise and attention can scare the pup more, writes Dr Michael Baer of Te Are Manu Vet Clinic.




OPINION: Dealing phobias

Voting is a safe space to have a public voice, you get to choose who you want to lead us out of the deep water we are in, just beware of the sharks, writes Ruta Mave.


Dealing with the four-legged attack weapon

Over the next five weeks I will outline what I see as the main problems which serve as barriers to tourism – from dogs to rubbish to mynahs to service to human rights.


LETTERS: Te Maeva Nui celebrations

Dear Editor, for someone who lives here and will be partaking tremendously in this year’s celebrations, I urge you to understand the background around these decisions and what lies ahead for those of us struggling to form teams, commit to practices and mobilising our communities (Te Maeva Nui ‘scaled down’ due to budget cuts, June 10, 2022).



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