Not one dollar, not one cent better be spent on these MPs in the supplementary budget for travel. Not another dollar Mr Brown, not another cent of our hard-earned taxpayers’ money to be spent on your travel.
Dear Editor, The recent sentencing of Yawea Teophilo to 14 years in prison for 47 charges of rape (and other charges) has shocked our community. Learning about what these young girls had to go through is heart breaking and reminds us of the urgent need to protect our women and children, and support survivors of gender-based violence (GBV).
I read with interest last week’s articles about the TAU electrocution incident.
Dear Editor: In the Cook Islands High Court Bench Violation Book, 4.2 rule of law, it states, “the doctrine of the rule of law”, in its simplest form, means that we are all subject to clearly defined laws and legal principles [rather than the person whims of powerful people] and that those laws apply equally to all people all the time.
Will anyone address the elephant in the room? asks columnist Ruth Mave. And will government tax pensioners again? Mave writes.
Te Ipukarea Society was recently represented by June Hosking at the 3 day Fiji National Symposium on Plastic Pollution Prevention, hosted by Fiji's Pacific Islands Climate Action Network. The symposium was supported by UN Trade & Development and UNDP. Following are her reflections.
If we were to give our democracy a scorecard out of ten, what would that number be, and what questions would we ask our government to help us determine that score? A healthy democracy is often characterised by robust institutions, active citizen participation, respect for human rights, and accountability. Thomas Wynne writes.
Dear Editor, Why is it that the media the only one digging into the practices of the former and current government officials?
Unfortunately, none of us escapes death. It waits for us around the corner, and can appear suddenly, very unwelcome. You can’t dodge or jump over it. You are going to die.
Desexing, also known as spaying (for females) or neutering (for males), is a common veterinary procedure. This practice is crucial not only for controlling the pet population in Rarotonga but also for improving the health and behaviour of pets, writes Dr Rose Hasegawa, medical director Te Are Manu Vet Clinic.
Dear Editor, It’s got to be a joke. “CIIC” and “tree rehabilitation” (Oct 21st Cook Islands News article) in the same sentence? That’s two polar opposites. We don’t care about vehicular traffic, just don’t cut the trees, please.
There are countries in the world where governments always ask their citizens’ opinion on any major issue before enacting legislation. In these countries, the government will only proceed if the public approves, writes Mitaera Ngatae Teatuakaro Michael Tavioni BEM.
Dear Editor, With the climate change COP-29 coming up, I think it is timely to consider what Pacific Small Island Developing States (“SIDS”) can do to help reduce impacts of greenhouse gases. It is also relevant to talk about disposal of plastic wastes, because the 5th International Negotiating Committee for the new global Plastics Treaty will take place next month.
My nana used to say people got a brown arm from their elbow down from s#*t stirring, and dangerous expert ones were brown up to their armpits, Ruta Mave writes.
Dear Editor, Re-Cook Island Passport. Unwanted, full stop. I’m a proud Cook Islander and have a full understanding of the meaning of being a New Zealand citizen. What a privilege.