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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

Letters to the Editor

Top cop position advertised

7 December 2024

Church Talk



Te Tuhi Kelly: Reshaping education for the next generation

The latest Education NCEA results are pretty embarrassing to be honest. The headline says it all – “29 teachers leave: Mokoroa explains teacher shortage and declining results – Cook Islands News”, writes Te Tuhi Kelly.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Plaque instead of shade?

The destruction of the still-living Utu tree in the Arorangi CICC grounds was not widely debated in the community.

OPINION: Removing barriers to tourism

Cook Islands is not a cheap destination and nor should it be. I believe in low-volume/high-value tourism which is easier on infrastructure and environment.



Time to rethink tourism

Dear Editor, there has never been a National Sustainability Plan to mitigate mass tourism negative outcomes, (focus is only on positive gains) that affect and impacts our environment, culture, socio- economic and way of life.



LETTER: ‘We’re still living in the past’

Dear Editor, Kia orana e te ititangata kuki airani. No te mea e ko teia taku tataanga mua kia kotou, te aravei nei au ia tatou, i roto i te aroa o te Atua. Manea tikae te Ra o te Ui Ariki ta matou i akaepaepa i Nukuroa nei i te ra tai o Tiurai. Kua tae mai oki te Kaumaiti Nui, koia a Tou Ariki pera katoa, a Tiatava Tiki Tetava Ariki ki Nukuroa nei. Kua maeva e kua mataora te Ra o te Ui Ariki.

Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: Air NZ pricing ‘atrocious’

Dear Editor, the airfares currently being charged by Air New Zealand in early January are atrocious for the distance travelled and Air NZ must be taken to task. Perhaps via the NZ government.



PET TALK: End of life care for pets

Your old friend is lying on a blanket on the verandah unable to control her bladder or bowels, unable to stand, unable to move out of her own mess.



OPINION: The winding paths to victory

This column is part of a few which I have entitled “Oversimplifications”.


LETTERS: 'Respect must be earned'

Dear Editor, we should still respect our arikis but I am just amazed at how we humans seem to be more concerned about our own laws than God’s.


OPINION: Parliament representation should be based on population size

Remove the party politics that limits people to do what the party wants. If everyone stood as an independent representing their people, then as a group they can vote for a leader, similar to the papal voting in Rome to decide the next pope, writes Ruta Mave.



LETTERS: Sparking a challenging Kuki's team

Dear Editor, we need to sell the vision to those Cook Islanders playing in the Kiwis and Kangaroos about potentially sparking a challenging Kukis team similar to what Tonga has done with MMT in international footy.



OPINION: Barriers to tourism

Having wrecked cars on your land should be illegal. They need collecting, crushing and shipping off as scrap. Containers should be moved or perhaps decorated in structured school art projects. I would sponsor that, writes Dr John Dunn.


LETTERS: Gazette Notice ‘marred by mistakes’

Dear Editor, can we not do anything correctly?




LETTERS: Samoa vs Cook Islands test match

Dear Editor, hats off to the brave men who soldiered on for our little nation.


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