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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

Letters to the Editor

Top cop position advertised

7 December 2024

Church Talk



Te Tuhi Kelly: Reshaping education for the next generation

The latest Education NCEA results are pretty embarrassing to be honest. The headline says it all – “29 teachers leave: Mokoroa explains teacher shortage and declining results – Cook Islands News”, writes Te Tuhi Kelly.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Plaque instead of shade?

The destruction of the still-living Utu tree in the Arorangi CICC grounds was not widely debated in the community.


LETTERS: ‘We are here to serve’

Dear Editor, I write with respect to the recent comments about the timing of the launch of the MFEM (Ministry of Finance and Economic Management) Strategic Plan and conducting of Government business by the public sector.


OPINION: What should be our main priority in the next four years and beyond?

"This column is part of a few which I have entitled " Oversimplifications". The reason for this is that almost every subject, and indeed everything that I write, almost always merits something significantly longer, if not a book, to explain the complexity and nuances, analyse the pros, cons, and counter arguments... most of which I have considered, having dwelled on many of these issues for years. However, if I did include all of these thoughts, 1) I'd never finish any of these and; 2) there's not enough room in the paper. So remember, below is an oversimplification of a slightly more complex ideas and thoughts."


LETTERS: 'Where are our dancing teams?'

Dear Editor, at the opening of the BTIB Trade Days Expo at the Punanga Nui yesterday (Wednesday 27 July), marking the beginning of what should be Te Maeva Nui and Constitution week, it was disappointing not to see a Cook Islands dance team entertaining the crowds.




LETTERS: Reducing use of plastic bags

Dear Editor, as a business owner and regular visitor to Rarotonga it is wonderful to have the freedom to come and go again and to welcome our visitors back.


LETTERS: Support for cannabis referendum

Dear Editor, in Monday’s edition of the Cook Islands News (18-7-22), Teariki Heather, the leader of the United Party, put out a lot of misleading and misinformed comments regarding the upcoming referendum on medicinal cannabis.



OPINION: The smile behind the mask

It has been over a week of conferences and seminars here in Eugene, Oregon, United States during the World Athletics Championships.


LETTERS: ‘Broken promises and new promises’

Dear Editor, the PM’s campaign whirlwind trip to Mitiaro on Thursday 21st July was headlined with major issues covering Covid-19, tourism, telecommunications and seabed mining.



OPINION: 'Issues for the 2022 General Election'

I wish to present my thoughts in regards to issues which I feel are important for those courageous people who have decided to be candidates in the coming General Election, writes world renowned artist and cultural icon Mike Tavioni BEM.


OPINION: ‘Democracy is under threat': Part two

If a Government demonstrates so little respect for its duties under our foundation law, the Constitution, and can get away with it for want of being challenged, do your readers not think for one moment that therein is a temptation in itself to venture into other administrative areas, writes John Scott, former Clerk of Parliament.


Studying the evolution of the red postman

Six invasive weeds that have serious negative impacts on agriculture and/or natural forest habitats in the Cook Islands have been identified as priority targets for biocontrol.


OPINION: ‘Democracy is under threat’

In this two part column, I would like to put these questions to Government and request an immediate response, writes John Scott, former Clerk of Parliament.



LETTERS: 'Protecting Cook Islands flag'

Dear Editor, the Russian boat wanting to have a Cook Islands flag to hide behind can join the other dubious boats the Maritime Cook Islands have supposedly done due diligence on.


LETTERS: Permanent residency list

Dear Editor, can we find out who all the new PRs (permanent residencies) are, please?



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