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No debt in China deal

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$541.7m tourism earnings

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Kata - Water petition

March 3, 2025


Ruta Mave: When ‘special friends’ become predators

Grooming used to be a political terminology used when speaking of an upcoming potential candidate for future elections. It still resides in the political arena but it has become a sickness, Ruta Mave writes.

Learning life’s lessons through travel

Travel is the only thing we can buy that gives us nothing in our hands but can truly make us richer beyond material wealth, writes Ruta Mave.


A natural enemy for the invasive African tulip tree

Native to South Africa’s tropical rainforests, one of the world’s worst invasive plants is under attack by flea beetles in Rarotonga, writes Te Ipukarea Society.



LETTERS: Rising cost of living

Dear Editor, More reason to move back to New Zealand or Australia … with minimal wage, sky rocket interest rates at the bank, petrol diesel costs are high and food in general is of high cost, then by all means I’ll be more than happy to be an agent to recruit to support our locals […]

Letters to the Editor


LETTERS: Only in the Cook Islands

Dear Editor,   Before New Zealand could declare a public holiday to mark the passing of the Queen, I believe the matter had to be passed in parliament.   In Cook Islands, to declare a public holiday to do the same, the Prime Minister only had to make a statement from South Korea.   We […]

Letters to the Editor


LETTERS: Award winning town plan

Dear Editor, Fabulous looking design – on paper – and clearly designed by people who sit in a lovely office behind computers somewhere remote, but who have absolutely no idea about the impact of the wind and waves when Mother Nature decides to get ferocious especially on that Northern coastline (‘20+ years timeframe’ for award winning […]

Letters to the Editor


Arthritis in dogs and cats: Recognising signs and symptoms

Dogs and cats rely on us noticing their pain, if we are going to help it, writes Dr Michael Baer, Te Are Manu Vet Clinic medical director.



Preserving historical and culture treasures

We have an award for a new designed waterfront area of climate change calculations that promises future protection, one hopes this is the case. We have a sad history of building buildings that don’t build confidence in this sector, writes Ruta Mave.


LETTERS: Health should be top priority

Dear Editor, Our health systems in the whole of the Cook Islands should be the main priority that should be addressed and not this beautification of town (Designer’s Cook Islands climate crisis plans win two international awards, Tuesday, September 6, 2022). If the government and future generations want to invest in the Cook Islands, then […]

Letters to the Editor

Promoting bird conservation in the Cook Islands

Te Ipukarea Society has a long history in bird conservation, in collaboration with local partners. We all have the same goal to protect our native birds and restore local ecosystems.




LETTERS: ‘Exploitation of tourism workers’

Dear Editor, I recently read an article in your newspaper about the exploitation of Cook Island workers in New Zealand. I sympathise greatly with them and know that this is something happening a lot in New Zealand especially with seasonal workers at places like Katikati which is a centre for the kiwi fruit and avocado industry. I think it […]

Letters to the Editor


LETTERS: Cabinet lineup and inflation

Dear Editor, Did anyone notice the lineup surrounding Prime Minister Mark Brown in the first Cabinet photo (‘Let’s get to work’, Wednesday September 7, 2022). Flanked on one side by a convicted criminal on the other another charged and waiting for his court case. Further down one wanted for arrest in New Zealand and on […]



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