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Ruta Mave: When ‘special friends’ become predators

Grooming used to be a political terminology used when speaking of an upcoming potential candidate for future elections. It still resides in the political arena but it has become a sickness, Ruta Mave writes.

Ruta Mave: Why does corruption continue?

The Transparency International report indicates bribes and sexual favours are part of getting anything done in the ‘Crook Islands’. The mothers fighting for sport funding might need to address their skill set and try again.


Letter: Food quality standards

Dear Editor, I would like to highlight two recent instances of concern.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Looking for ‘female’ Tiare Māori

Dear Editor, Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust is doing some research on the local types of Tiare Māori and Tiare Taina. At present, it looks likely that we have about 10 of each.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Olympic funding decisions questioned

The contentious decisions made by CISNOC is insisting two average paddlers should be funded before two Olympians.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Milestone or millstone?

Monday’s newspaper reported on the call for MFEM to come clean on the questions surrounding the 17km of Te Mato Vai pipes that were dug up and replaced.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Rarotonga’s biggest problem

Dear Editor, I have been visiting family in Rarotonga for the last month, fortunate to be able to enjoy the natural beauty of the island.

Letters to the Editor

Pet Talk: Something to crow about . . .

When I was a child, we lived in a small country called Swaziland. It has since changed its name, to Eswatini. I can remember a lot about the country and our time there, even though it was a long time ago. One of the things I remember well are the bags of chicken heads and feet, sold in shops as “Walkie-Talkie”. A fantastic name.


Letter: Where are the welcome signs?

When is Aviation Security Services going to do something about the sloppy appearance and behaviour of their staff at the airport?

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Allocations of Olympic funding

I write in support of other families who are still waiting for promised funding from Tokyo Olympics and are questioning the allocations of Olympic Solidarity Funding.

Letters to the Editor

RUTA MAVE: Deaths, taxes and sabbaticals

We may not wish to lose our close ones but we less wish to hold onto them if it means a living death.


LETTER: Questionable funding allocations

Dear Editor, I write as a solo mother unhappy with our national sports committee CISNOC’s decisions with respect to funding allocations.

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Where is the customer service?

Dear Editor, I’m a local of many years. My partner is a Cook Islander.

Letters to the Editor

RUTA MAVE: A promise to love and to hold until death do us part

With the statistics of marriage these days saying only 55 per cent remain married, the average length of time for a marriage is around 20 years.


Letter: Stats on vaccinated catching Covid

Dear Editor, So reinfection rates for Covid-19 are on the rise, mask wearing being encouraged (hopefully not being made compulsory in public places and just for those who do feel safer wearing one).

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Justice system

Our Cook Islands legislature, inadvertently, or otherwise, has created a perfect storm of institutionalised injustice. Beat the crap out of your wife, and then burn her with a cigarette and you get a lecture from the Court and sent home. Beat the crap out of your wife and then burn her with a marijuana cigarette […]

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Plastic pollution: ‘Do as I say, not as I do’

Cook Islands News reported on December 2 of the “emotional plea” made by the Cook Islands delegation to the 190 nations gathered to negotiate a new treaty on plastic pollution.

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Collaborate on customary law

Dear Editor, Kia Orana e te tangata ma’ata o te Nuti Peapa. Inangaro au i te ‘ōronga atu i toku manako no runga i tēia tumu manako pu’apinga i runga nei tei tātā’ia i roto i tā au nūti peapa o te Ru’itoru rā 28 no Tītema. Te turu nei au i te manako e […]

Letters to the Editor

RUTA MAVE: Yesterday is gone, tomorrow never comes, today is a gift because it’s the present

As children we make impressions of the world from how we saw it or interpreted it growing up. As adults we have the ability to make decisions about life different from what we experienced, writes Ruta Mave.

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Get set for financial blessings

Dear Editor, Kia orana! I, Pastor Temu Ngarima George, managing director of Tevaka Nui Mission, would like to share the blessing that the good Lord brought to my attention for the next 10 years for this paradise called Cook Islands.

Letters to the Editor

Sheraton sign please!

Dear Editor, If I had a dollar for every time a visitor to the Cook Islands has asked me what the story is behind the old Sheraton Hotel complex, I’d be a wealthy man and maybe have a castle in Poland.

Letters to the Editor

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