Grooming used to be a political terminology used when speaking of an upcoming potential candidate for future elections. It still resides in the political arena but it has become a sickness, Ruta Mave writes.
We must find that balance to utilise and protect our environment, our seas, our land, our fish, our forests and our seabed, because this has been how we as people of the Moana have maintained and sustained ourselves for generations, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, I have some questions for CIIC (Cook Islands Investment Corporation), regarding the new plan for the market, and thought a public forum like the paper would a good format to do this, so everyone concerned can get the answers they need. I understand all stallholders (arts, crafts, and advertising for tourism) are being moved to the new location, past the current huts into the park, and all food vendors are heading to the old playground.
We can only save our world full of fear, turmoil, confusion and uncertainty when the union between the Bible and Science is strongly intact, integral and intimate, writes Apostolic Church head Bishop Tutai Pere, BA, LTh, M.B.E.
Dear Editor, I cannot believe the extent of negativity I’m reading on this trail regarding Jack Ma’s visit to our island and judgements passed based on hearsay and assumption. All you need to do is read up on Mr Ma’s Foundation and the huge financial support the foundation has given that spans over almost 10 years (and I’m not talking $millions, but $billions) to support education for teachers and students in the most rural and remote areas, funding for women empowerment, created thousands of jobs, helped eradicate poverty in China and then in 2020 spent millions on research towards a cure for COVID-19.
Dear Editor, The phrase above the law describes a person who is exempt from following the rules or at least thinks he or she is exempt. Usually a person who is above the law has a very high government position or a lot of power.
Sunday was children day and Wednesday is Women’s Day. When is men’s day? Everyday. Move on, writes Ruta Mave.
Ka anoano ia tatou kia papa no teia au ra ki mua – As the waters subside back to their usual levels and the devastation has been left bare, we are all here left with this residual feeling – a lingering awakening that we all need to be better prepared.
A one-day stakeholder consultation at the Crown Beach Resort in Rarotonga was held to discuss an upcoming project related to tuna fisheries in the region.
Kiwis trying to book a trip to Rarotonga will be frustrated with reduced flights to Rarotonga. On many days the airline is now only flying one daytime flight from Auckland to the Cook Islands, which was an astonishing $1800 return when I tried to book for June this year, writes Brook Sabin of Stuff.
Cattle are multipurpose. They can produce meat and milk, and make excellent tractors. They pull ploughs, they tow trailers. They harvest their own fuel and provide fertiliser in return for fuel, writes Te Are Manu clinic medical director Dr Michael Baer.
Dear Editor, Dog owners need to take responsibility for their part of not taking care of their dogs! (‘Stop dog culling’: SPCA threatens to leave Dog Committee if shooting doesn’t stop, February 24, 2023). They end up roaming and causing chaos for all!
Dear Editor, Good to see the roads being sealed but I never seen any tender for this clean up job. Come on e Garth (Henderson, Financial Secretary), come on e Arapati, eaa teia angaanga repo. Why no tender. I think same thing happen for the Ngatangiia and Avatiu valley roads before the election. No tender too. Na kotou rai e aati ta kotou ture. E kino tikae teia tu.
The Cook Islands is due to celebrate 200 years of the arrival of the Gospel to these shores. A momentous occasion to be celebrated by one and all with visitors from around the world coming to the Cook Islands to bask in the glory of the spreading of the word of God, writes Te Tuhi Kelly.
Pride – A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
Dear Editor, With all the current excitement about a new lift (elevator) being installed at the Court House/Justice complex, finally addressing the long existing issue of how to get the pakari, elderly and infirm, as well as mothers and babies, up those stairs and into the Court/land/BDM sections, one is forced to ask what ever happened to that Stair Climber machine, which the then Minister in charge trialled and demonstrated live on CITV, and no doubt had photos in the CINews back in the day? Does anyone else recall that event, which was touted as being the beginning of a new access era in a Justice building already fraught with issues.
Dear Editor, The animal welfare group and Dog Registration and Animal Control Committee (DRACC) who are looking at changing the Act and legislation relating to animal welfare are wasting their time and should leave it alone – karuke i te ture – it won’t do any good.
Aotearoa New Zealand and the Cook Islands (Avaiki Nui) are inextricably tied together and have been since our people migrated there when Vaka left its shores bound for Avaiki Tautau in and around the 12th century. Our migration story starts then and happens again on mass in the 1950s and 1960s through to today with close to 100,000 people in Aotearoa identifying themselves as Cook Islands Maori, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, After reading this article (Authorities ramp up dog euthanasia on Rarotonga, Cook Islands News, February 23, 2023), I’m really disheartened to see that the Cook Islands Police are clearly just blatantly shooting people’s pets. The numbers just don’t add up? 34 dogs killed in January by the Cook Islands Police – two involved in attacks and eight strays. That means that 24 of the dogs that were shot were obviously people’s pets? Was there substantial and fair effort made to contact the owners? Did they have time to come and collect their pets? Were they fined or given warnings before their fur family members were shot dead?
Dear Editor, I write in response to Mathew Littlewood’s article, “Under pressure high school staff offered ‘gift packs, massages and wellness checks”, of 22nd February 2023.
Kia Orana, Further to the letter to the editor published on the 20 February, 2023 under the heading “MFEM’s ‘sheer arrogance’” , I would like to respond to some of the comments made by the writer as follows: The decision to release details of any costs does not rest with the Financial Secretary, the Director of Revenue Management or anybody else in MFEM. The decision rests with the Court and until the court makes the documents public, which can only be done at the instruction of the judge who heard the matter, any release of information contained in the judgement can result in prosecution against the person who released the information.