Grooming used to be a political terminology used when speaking of an upcoming potential candidate for future elections. It still resides in the political arena but it has become a sickness, Ruta Mave writes.
Outward migration and depopulation are not new for us as our people have been doing this since the 1940s though it has become ever more present in the Pa Enua, in Ngaputoru and Rarotonga since the arrival and departure of Covid-19, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Mr Editor, Monday’s Cook Islands News carried a story concerning minimum wage in Vanuatu. What caught this reader’s eye was the details of Cook Islands latest minimum wage at US$5.45 and French Polynesia at US$9.11.
Kia orana Editor, While reading the news briefs from the Criminal Court, I noticed the article about a man who had been on the wrong side of the law in the past, and had recently started a spate of drinking and reoffending, that even his lawyer and the Justice of the Peace were puzzled about.
The death of Tina Turner had fans all over the world grieving including male Australian league players and fans who to this day hold her song ‘Simply the Best’ as their anthem to the beautiful game, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, At over 40 per cent the Cook Islands has the greatest percentage of public servants in the free world.
Alcohol use and abuse in the cultural fabric of who we are as Cook Islanders is concerning, and its use as a medicine to numb the pain of many of our social ills, inner pain and heartache says more about ourselves then maybe we realise, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, This is not favourable treatment, it’s more like criminal hijacking at the highest level? (Favourable treatment: PERC report on Penrhyn cyclone shelters project, Tuesday 23 May 2023)
CITC’s announcement that, in the process of upgrading power for the Supermarket, that we will see changes in the fresh and dry foods departments can only be good news.
Dear Editor, An anonymous letter writer, in this paper, the Cook Islands News, made statements about myself and medicinal cannabis that are false.
I have been very lucky. Travelling to the outer islands regularly has become part of my job. In the last fortnight I have been to Mauke and Aitutaki. I went for work, but it was still a pleasure, writes Dr Michael Baer, Te Are Manu Vet Clinic medical director.
I’m sure this letter, probably will not be published. But maybe you might take some advice, you need to change the name “Opinion /Tumu Manako” page to the “Steve Boggs wants to get stoned legally” page.
Dear Editor, It has been interesting to see the juggling of gross domestic product (GDP) figures in various reports regarding the economy over the course of the last 14 months.