Does your heart ever ache over something you’ve lost? Linda Kavelin-Popov writes.
Dear Editor, Further to recent correspondence and comment in your newspaper regarding freight rates applicable to the shipping services operated between New Zealand and the Cook Islands by Matson, please be aware of the following:
We are now opting to live a life of hand outs with no drive or inclination to give ourselves a hand up. We win the beggars award because we have so many hands out to so many countries
Any container shipping licence involving the Cook Islands should include, as a non-negotiable condition, free shipping of a number of containers to New Zealand for undesirable tita.
Everyone has a calling. It’s different from having a job, although those for whom their job is also a calling are truly blessed, writes Linda Kavelin-Popov.
The Cook Islands only registered two Covid-19 related deaths from the onset of Covid-19 up to normalising Covid-19 on 1 July 2022.
Dear Editor, Exactly two years ago l wrote a letter about my concern for testing the experimental vaccine on our people. It is now proven it was a bad mistake and a waste of time as it never did a thing to stop the virus spreading or infecting you.
Shame, on you, those are the words I heard across the table, when I missed a conversation in Māori, that generally I can do ok in. Thomas Wynne writes.
Dear Editor, Over the past couple of days there has been a deafening silence from the Ministry of Transport regarding the shipping industry issues raised in the Cook Islands News.
As I sit in the Cook Islands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration at the government’s consultations on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and National Wellbeing in preparation for the 2023 SDGs Summit in September, I am filled with immense hope for the future that truly leaves no one behind, writes United Nations Resident Coordinator (UNRCO) Themba Kalua.
Puppies are cute, they are soft and their proportions are such that they appeal to the protective aspects of our nature, writes Dr Michael Baer, Te Are Manu Vet Clinic medical director.
The nine to one thrashing by Tahiti of our national men’s football team on Monday night is our worst result in recent years.
Kia Orana Editor, Can someone from ICI please explain to me what the purpose of building the two concrete structures out on the road at Takitumu Primary School was/is supposed to serve?
One question that should be posed to our Prime Minister who has foolishly backed nuclear treated water dumping into Moana Nui A Kiva and the Japanese government.
I'm writing to give some (hopefully) constructive criticism of the rubbish on the beaches on your beautiful island.