Does your heart ever ache over something you’ve lost? Linda Kavelin-Popov writes.
Dear Editor, Tina (Browne) and Selena (Napa), if you think what was said or done 30 years ago is relevant now, back then the Demos were against the road proposal so you should be too.
Dear Editor, I read with interest the travel details of our Government MPs. Would it be possible to ask that the powers that be, not lump all the expenditure into one pot. If some of this travel is by invitation i.e. sponsorship for the fares and accommodation, it is not very transparent when its treated as a tiopu.
Dear Editor, To Tatou Vai Board Chair Brian Mason claims that using taxation revenues to pay for the operation of the water authority "...would mean the Pa Enua would subsidise those residing on Rarotonga" ('Water Meters are on their way to homes', Aug 25).
Dear Editor, With reference to recent opinions penned and stories published in Cook Islands News. I want to confirm that it is against the law to bring any form of cannabis product into the Cook Islands including CBD – cannabidiol – which is an ingredient in cannabis and has some therapeutic uses, without providing the ‘high’ that some cannabis users seek.
Happy Day of the Dead tomorrow, it is Halloween, the time when the veil between those living and those departed souls is the thinnest, so communication can be made with loved ones, or as the movies tell it, with those in the past who have a grudge against you.
How do we disagree, without becoming disagreeable, or when our disagreement is as James Baldwin said, rooted in another’s oppression or the denial of another’s humanity or right to exist, even find a place to agree? Thomas Tarurongo Wynne writes.
The writer’s home is located close enough by the Sheraton that most errands or travel requires driving past the hotel on the way, and again on the way back.
Dear Editor, I have been following the news regarding the Main Road diversion being insisted upon by Pa Ariki and her lawyers, as well as her latest developer. It has been heartwarming to see the public of Rarotonga rise up and oppose a road diversion that is not in the public interest.
Your article of Monday 23rd October entitled – Cook Islands seeks US loan to develop seabed mineral sector – reports that the Cook Islands is seeking a loan from the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), the implication being that government is seeking a loan to develop the seabed mineral sector.
Dear Editor, Prime Minister Mark Brown’s overseas travel busy visiting various countries and signing agreements is bridging international relations as head of the Pacific Islands Forum countries and the Cook Islands. At the same time the PM is trying to tap into foreign aid funds for development.
All what has been written about the Sheraton by lots of the public should be an issue for the government.
The rightly spoken article in last week's paper regarding the chronic water shortage reminds me again what dullards must makeup Aitutaki's Island Council.
I’m writing in regards to your October 19, 2023 article about New Zealand allowing over the counter sales of CBD products.