Does your heart ever ache over something you’ve lost? Linda Kavelin-Popov writes.
The Pacific Islands Forum chair and Cook Islands Prime Minister, Mark Brown, is emerging as one of the more powerful Pacific leaders’ voices in projecting the region’s concerns and priorities to the world, writes Dr Shailendra Bahadur Singh.
Dear Editor, The leadership line up in the Cook Islands News Pacific Islands Forum Supplement on Saturday and again at the opening of the Forum yesterday was a sad gender affair. PM Fiame Naomi Mata’afa of Samoa was the only woman leader.
You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all of the time. This is not who we are, we have history of it but we are not all like it. Some of us are honest, hardworking people who care about our people and some of us are politicians, writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, My opinion article in the Cook Islands News of 21.10.23 called for community consultation on horseshoe roads, and has so far generated a considerable number of comments.
Forgiveness does not change what was done, or alter the deeds of the past, rather, forgiveness or a pardon alters the future and makes it larger than what it was before, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
The KR’s Prerogative of Mercy and Pardon for Papa Arapati, signed and sealed to be a done deal before the eyes of the southern hemisphere focus on the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting, is certainly a historic event.
Dear Editor, In only three months, MPs have spent 98 per cent or $246,347.03 of the annual $250,000 budget for MPs travel. Election promises by all parties shows that they would cut back on overseas travel, especially after the downturn in the economy from Covid. No, it was the opposite.
Dear Editor, A letter written to the Cook Islands News on 30-10-23, erringly declared it was against the law to import any form of marijuana product into the nation, including non-psychoactive CBD products.
After watching the fast-developing Cyclone Lola over Vanuatu before the cyclone season starts, whether we are prepared as a nation to protect our most vulnerable in a disaster has been on my mind, writes Merita Tuari’i.
All meter systems have a sole and singular reason and purpose whether in an air, sea, rail and road automobiles; electrical, electronic, solar, wind, hydro, oil, petrol, battery driven and so forth. Even our personal mobiles, computers, satellites and so forth all measure speed, safety levels, balance and all needed control for security and lifesaving precautionary measures. Without them, all equipment or machineries will head for disaster.
Dear Editor, As one of the original complainants about noisy bike mufflers, and dangerous/stunch riders, let me publicly commend the Akava for their very strong response to closing down the noisy/dangerous bike riding hoons who have been terrorising our roads for far too long.
Less than three weeks until I finish at Te Are Manu (TAM) and as always when something is about to end, my mind drifts to what has happened, what was then, and what is now. And how lucky I have been, writes Dr Michael Baer, the outgoing Te Are Manu Vet Clinic medical director.