Does your heart ever ache over something you’ve lost? Linda Kavelin-Popov writes.
Dear Editor, Following the trouble at Rehab Bar this writer has been waiting for any comment from the Police as to any suggestion that serving already intoxicated patrons might lead to violence fuelled by the legal drug alcohol.
Who is Sir Gaven Donne, who upon his passing was referred to by the Sydney Morning Herald as ‘The Judge who toppled a government,’ the man who brought down our first political leader and father of our nation, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, In answer to your correspondent’s queries (Ring road compensation – a threat? Cook Islands News, November 16).
Over the coming weeks, the Pacific will be coming together to celebrate a love of sport at the Pacific Games – the most significant sports event on the Oceania calendar. This year’s theme is ‘Challenge, Celebrate, Unite’, writes Australia’s High Commissioner to the Cook Islands Phoebe Smith.
Whoever representing USPSA said USPSA was “apolitical” (Fiji Times 3/11 ) clearly does not know its history of student activism/political activism against tyranny, dictatorships, political persecution of freedom fighters in the region and beyond, nuclear testing and armament, solidarity with anti-colonial struggles, and solidarity with indigenous people against State violence and dispossession.
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor, Is it too difficult for national federations/CISNOC (Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee) to name teams/managers/coaches/entertainers etc who are representing the country at this month’s Pacific Games in Solomon Islands?
Mark Twain had the dubious pleasure of seeing his own obituary printed in the paper and over the last week I have had a similar feeling. While far from being an obituary, a Facebook post about me leaving has attracted heaps of comments, writes Dr Michael Baer, the outgoing Te Are Manu Vet Clinic medical director.
We condemn what the Hamas did to the Israeli civilians on the 7th of last month.
Over the past week at the 52nd Pacific Island Leaders Forum Meeting, many issues concerning the region’s historical struggle for a Nuclear Free Pacific were discussed, writes Talei Luscia Mangioni.
Why is it necessary to teach our Christians to love unconditionally and see everyone as equals in the eyes of God? writes Ruta Mave.
Dear Editor, To Tatou Vai is calling for water conservation and top of the list is - No Car Washes.
Deep Rising is a documentary film directed by Matthew Rytz, narrated by Jason Momoa who is also the executive producer. It runs for 93 minutes. It was released in October 2023 and was premiered in Rarotonga on Tuesday, November 7 with further screenings on November 8 and 16.
Is it the end of the world? Is World War III starting? How can anyone bomb civilians, babies and children, schools, and hospitals? Linda Kavelin-Popov writes.
Anyone who has sailed the ocean like our tupuna and ancestors knows the ocean is many things, but passive is not one of them, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.