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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

Letters to the Editor

Top cop position advertised

7 December 2024

Church Talk



Virtues in Paradise: Fruits of the spirit

Does your heart ever ache over something you’ve lost? Linda Kavelin-Popov writes.

Thomas Wynne: A time to reflect, change

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the mama who was tragically taken while simply walking down the road in our village of Arorangi this week. May God comfort you all in this time of grief and loss, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.


Te Ipukarea Society: Nocturnal beetle a growing problem for Cook Islands crops

This week’s article is an expansion on an earlier “Bug of the Week” post informed by Mike Bowie who was working at the Ministry of Agriculture.


Virtues in Paradise: Biting back backbiting

Most of the time, I love hanging out at a local café over a cheese toastie and a cappuccino. Usually, it’s a heartwarming and enjoyable experience. It’s like a community centre, with long tables around which everyone gathers to share laughs and stories, writes Linda Kavelin-Popov.


Letter: A call for tourism equity

Dear Editor, Some of us were sort of excited to hear about the recently appointed DSAG (Destination Stewardship Advisory Group) on January 27th, which will steer tourism so it continues to deliver long-term benefits for all Cook Islanders, while protecting its natural and cultural heritage? Really?

Letters to the Editor





Letter: Cook Islands Christian Movement

Dear Editor, William Framhein is the interim secretary of Cook Islands Christian Movement Inc (CICMI) that wants to undo the legislation that decriminalised homosexuality.

Letters to the Editor


Letter: Praise for PM Brown

Dear Editor, As far as I see it, the PM Mark Brown is doing more work than anyone else in government, and I don’t mean blowing rubbish and cutting hedges on the side of the road.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Stopping domestic violence

Dear Editor, I was appalled and disgusted by the op-ed by Ruta Mave that shamed and held women in-part accountable for the ongoing domestic violence against them. The views expressed were harsh and totally naive to the realities of domestic violence.

Letters to the Editor

Pet Talk: A day in the life of a vet at Te Are Manu Vet Clinic

For the dedicated team at Te Are Manu Vet Clinic, every day is a balance of skill, compassion and unpredictability, writes Dr Rose Hasegawa.



Letter: Travel budget

Not one dollar, not one cent better be spent on these MPs in the supplementary budget for travel. Not another dollar Mr Brown, not another cent of our hard-earned taxpayers’ money to be spent on your travel.

Letters to the Editor

Letter: Protecting our women and children

Dear Editor, The recent sentencing of Yawea Teophilo to 14 years in prison for 47 charges of rape (and other charges) has shocked our community. Learning about what these young girls had to go through is heart breaking and reminds us of the urgent need to protect our women and children, and support survivors of gender-based violence (GBV).

Letters to the Editor


Ruta Mave: It must end today

Fairytales tell our children to fear the wicked stepmother. Reality says they should fear the stepfather, uncles, grandfathers and friends of the family. Not all men are rapists and paedophile’s but most rapists and paedophiles are men. It must end today, with the women, writes Ruta Mave.



Reading the CIN article, (Jan 20, 2025) about the government arranging a Supplementary budget in the next Parliamentary sitting in February… for important works …made me laugh ... .and cry! . … Where are the priorities? Of course we need roads and bridges, but we need a well-protected and safe environment more.



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