Grooming used to be a political terminology used when speaking of an upcoming potential candidate for future elections. It still resides in the political arena but it has become a sickness, Ruta Mave writes.
I urge PM Mark Brown to pause and think about the historic qualities of our flag before changing it.
Dear Editor, Can someone please get the PM Mark Brown to stop globetrotting and get down and do some hard work. Like trying to slow down and manage the cost-of-living increases and limit price increases for fuel, bread and power. Households are struggling. MPs wouldn’t know as they are highly paid.
I object – I am an objector. I oppose because I don’t agree. No, I oppose because I am the opposition, writes Ruta Mave.
With Christmas approaching and the world celebrating Jesus’ birth, our nation’s Christian heritage, enshrined in the Ekalesia as one of our three tama Ua pillars, cannot be ignored or overestimated in its impact on our lives as Cook Islanders, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.
Dear Editor, Regarding the Constitutional Amendments Bills presented in Parliament yesterday, all other amendments are fine except increasing the number of Cabinet Ministers from six to eight.
Dear Editor, It’s obvious the Government cannot come up with a plan for the legalisation of medicinal cannabis.
Readers will recall Andy Olah reporting from his side of the island and an Avarua reader reporting the same thing - the multiple motor bikes on the main road, day and night, in seemingly endless trips, with no mufflers, making misery for those who, literally, have to stop talking until the deaf riders have gone by.
I have respect for Thomas Wynne’s writing but I believe he should stop trying to justify his attack on Sir Gaven Donne.
Dear Editor, Here we go again. We hear the greedy Members of Parliament from government are trying to push through a constitutional amendment to increase the number of ministers in cabinet from six to eight.
A friend of mine just flew overseas for Christmas. Before she even stepped on the plane, the family dynamics of mama drama were already flaring up amongst her adult children. Who got to pick her up at the airport? Who had the privilege to have her stay first? Longest?
People often say that power corrupts and to this I disagree. Power does not corrupt a person, it merely exposes what lies in all our hearts, and simply gives it room, opportunity and permission, writes Thomas Tarurongo Wynne.